The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Remember this?

That’s Bob Huggins, the WVU men’s basketball coach, landing in Raleigh County just days after dropping out of the school’s first Final Four since 1959. He arrived furtively and with no fanfare to visit and console those who were affected by the tragic event at Upper Big Branch.

As best as I can tell, he’s never really opened up about that, and that’s more of a personal preference than a pained experience, I always thought. The picture stood alone and it certainly does say something to see that guy lugging water and something in the black duffel bag. We’ve had to fill in theblanks in our mind over time, though it always seemed a noble thing he did and for which he never sought or even accepted attention.

That changed over the weekend when he finally spotlighted what he did, why he did it and what that day eventually became.