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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which overheard Iowa State telling some Big 12 people that “Country Roads” isn’t about West Virginia and that “Sweet Caroline” is, in fact, a better song. Oh, and Iowa State said Marshall deserves the 1-for-1 series in football because the Thundering Herd — and I quote — “have earned the right to prove everyone wrong.” I’m serious.

I think this is my favorite part of the summer — you know, apart from the offensive heat, the insect infestation, the power outages and this dawning reality it might actually get worse. But manufacturing a rivalry with Iowa State? I love witnessing this.

West Virginia has managed through the years to move on from and carry on without rivalries, be it Washington & Jefferson or Washington & Lee, Virginia or Richmond, Penn State or Virginia Tech. Losing Pitt is horrible (I still think you see the Panthers again soon, maybe in conjunction with a Maryland series) because that’s actually the rival … and WVU is suddenly running out of rivals.

There’s a lot changing for WVU and it won’t be easy as its teams head to the Big 12, but what seems to have folks must uneasy is the unfamiliarity. Sure, there’s excitement involved, but the return on investment, so to speak, is compromised, diminished, whatever, when you don’t kind of hate the other team. I guess it’s the difference between wanting to win a game and wanting to beat a team — and there is a difference.

Time helps to foster familiarity and tension and look at Louisville as proof. That became a pretty hot contest, really right from the start. There was the triple overtime game in 2005, and the controversy it included, before the top-shelf game a year later. By 2007, people were spitting on other people. Pat White snapped and strutted into the end zone in 2008 and it was on. True, it fizzled, but last year restored some rancor and I wonder if WVU hadn’t made it to the Orange Bowl if WVU wouldn’t want a piece of the Cardinals ASAP.

The point? Who’s to say Louisville can’t be Kansas State or that Iowa State, with PAUL RHOADS, can’t become something like Pitt? If WVU beats Oklahoma, that thing gets rolling. There’s probably going to be a WVU v. TCU angle in which the immediate accomplishments of one are compared to the other.

At least I hope that all of that is possible or true. The schedule is more fun and more anticipated with someone you just don’t like, and remember, too, that Marshall vanishes soon. So, sure, generate the distaste for someone. Send it spinning like a Cyclone.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, pace yourself.

Eric said:

Iowa State students think Morgantown is in Western Virginia.

Also, Cyclones love Brad Nessler. Or is it Bert Nessler?

overtheSEC said

I hear that Iowa State hates coal, they detest pepperoni rolls, and think that intra-campus people mover systems are a waste of money!

I have confirmed this through sources. Sorry, can’t name names.

Rugger said:

ISU fans have already dubbed our game with them The Riot Bowl. apparently they like to get a little rowdy for football games as well.

Oh, so you say they had the idea first? Them’s fighting words.

Big Al said:

Let’s face it – we don’t get to pick the rivalry; the rivalry picks us!

So … they asked for it? Hey, they asked for it! 

Mr. M said:

And there’s THIS, a connection with Pitt, reported by Antonik on WVU’s web site:

Iowa State football coach Paul Rhoads is getting a reputation for ruining other teams’ seasons. In 2007, as Pitt’s defensive coordinator, it was Rhoads who devised the defensive game plan that shut down West Virginia’s high-powered offense and kept the Mountaineers out of the national championship game.

And Mr. Rhoads gave Baylor fits in defeat, crushed/exposed a ranked Texas Tech and beat Oklahoma State last season and kept the Cowboys out of the national championship game. A year before, Iowa State won at Texas. Think the Cyclones might worry you a little bit if you’re going there at, say, 9-1 in the 11th game of the season?

Mounties said:

Iowa State said Dana is bald.

Perhaps Dana should wear a hat, though that might anger Iowa State’s defensive coordinator.

SheikYbuti said:

They could have gone Atlantic and named themselves the Hurricanes, or they could have gone Pacific and become known as the Typhoons. But nooooo. They had to go all Indian Ocean on us and insist on Cyclones. I don’t care that they’re in the heartland, the whole Cyclone thing is borderline un-American!

And these colors don’t run. They pass, 40 times a game.

Rugger said:

When is the last date for these guys to come in and still have a chance to contribute this year? Was that yesterday? 

Those incoming freshmen who have yet to enroll can still enroll in August and they’d actually even have a few days into the start of the semester at the end of the month to beat the deadline. As for making an impact, the sooner they’re here the better chances they have. I guess the good part here is that Sam Lebbie and Deontay McManus are arguably the most college-ready freshmen WVU recruited, so they don’t necessarily need as much time. But, realistically, those two, big Roshard Burney and Dee Joyner are missing out right now — and there are now worries about a few of those guys that didn’t exist before.

overtheSEC said:

Personally, I’m just mad we haven’t seen a tweet from @CoachHuggs lambasting NBA teams for passing on KJ.

You know, he’s got duty to his next and future round of pro prospects to think of here, so maybe he doesn’t want to nuke someone who might help one of his  guys later … but, yeah, I’m surprised, too. He felt pretty strongly about this one.

Jeff Halladay said:

Lets not forget a certain former Mountaineer star scouts for the Cavs. Hopefully Gansey’s influence helps lead to an investment in KJ5. He’s a grinder & if he keeps his head up and in the game, he’ll stay on a roster somewhere.

Not sure Mike has that much pull yet. I’m not even sure he can tell someone to get him coffee yet. But with regard to KJ being KJ to earn a spot, absolutely, that’s his best and maybe only shot. Lots of things can work against him that he can’t control, so he if just, uh, does what he does, he can feel good about that — and he’s going to do that.

Drew said:

As a Lakers fan, it seems to me that KJ should be able to beat out Walton. He hasn’t really been healthy in 5 years or more. Sure, he was a good role player on those championship Lakers teams a decade ago, but if the Buss family hadn’t given him a sweetheart guaranteed deal he would have been out of the league years ago. Hopefully they will find it worthwhile to buy out Walton in order to have KJ around.

The Cavs like Walton, though, and he’s a great influence on a young team. I don’t think anyone envisions him as a starter or even a top rotation player, so that brings him lower to KJ’s level … and he’s still above KJ. So then you’re wondering who, at that level, gives you more value? Probably still Walton because of his experience and how it might help in and away from games. Luke Harangody is coming back, and at that same level, so they just aren’t looking for a bunch of guys to play that position. Like I said, there are things KJ can’t control, though some of those things would be finances or Walton’s desire. Maybe KJ stuns the Cavs and forces a roster move. Maybe Walton wants a chance to be or do more … and remember he coached at Memphis during the lockout.

jtmountaineer said:

Another story on this, from WV Illustrated, describes Jones as having been ostensibly offered the final roster spot if he performs as expected in summer league play. I like his chances, playing against many who have less to play for. In other NBA Mountaineer news, the Lakers have extended a qualifying offer to Ebanks, making him a restricted free agent. Da’sean, the bell tolls for thee,

Pardon me if at this juncture I don’t believe in the existence or the intention of any promises.

Mr. M said:

The answer to the great question contains many variables. From an external viewpoint, I suspect most “objective” fans or viewers care little during the regular season about who beats whom. Upsets within the league move the polls some, of course, but no one really cares until bowl season. Then, special attention is paid to how many teams from a league get invited, and then how many win. Should both TCU and WVU win bowl games, I suspect kudos will be given to league officials for their wisdom; anything short of that will necessarily, I suspect, weaken those potential positive comments.

Internally, it seems realistic for the “old guard” to resent either new comer that slips by them. But, at bowl time the league should publicly present solidarity for their members, new and old, having been beaten by one or not.

As a fan, it’s not difficult to recall our situation with new members of the Big East. It was only natural for us to take early league losses to Louisville and South Florida with great resentment. Of course, it’s equally unnatural to root for a Pitt or Syracuse to win their bowl games … but a lot of us did, because it made the league look better when we won more post season games. And, with huge dollars riding on the degree of success of the league (for TV income, not to mention the ramifications of how playoffs will be determined) there is little question that the league stands to benefit from the success of all members — particularly in those final polls.

Agreed and it’s specific, yet succinct. I don’t want to touch it. Well played.

Karl said:

I guess it also depends on what we’re defining as recent. WVU entered the Big East in 1991 — back when it still had the best teams in the current ACC, and Miami was still The U — and won a title pretty quickly in 1993.

Karl (also) said:

Also, Penn State began Big 10 play in 1993 and ran the table in 1994.

True and true. I was just aiming for a more modern era. Then again, Arkansas and South Carolina joined the SEC in 1991 and didn’t really get it going on a consistent basis until recently … and neither has a conference championship.

Josh24601 said:

Really enjoying the coverage of The Mike Parsons Project. Insightful reporting is hard, man. It’s hard.



Interesting move by WVMH….. It seems they are banking on a large company being granted the RFP and then contracting it out to them because they have experience.

What I think is happening is WVMH thinks they don’t have a shot and WVU has its eyes on someone bigger with more resources so instead of using its resources to propose to WVU they will step aside, wait for another to win the RFP then campaign to said company to subcontract.

If this is the said tactic…What if it doesn’t work? Would WVMH lose its access to the coaches shows?

In my opinion the production quality was horrible anyway especially with the Gold and Blue Game….. P.S. WVMH BUY SOME HD CAMERAS!!!!

I think that’s exactly WVMH’s tactic. My guess is the people stepped back and considered the requirements and concluded there was no way they could pull off what is being asked — and that amps up my curiosity about West Virginia Radio Corp. They’re reading the same RFP. But WVMH has a nice footprint already and it remains clear to me a bidder is going to score points for creativity and you can arch brows by incorporating elements already in place. Fewer waves, you know? The concerns about HD camers and production elements would be addressed and carressed by the winning bidder. Now if it doesn’t work, WVMH still has the rights to the Holgorsen and Huggins shows for the upcoming season, but that’s it. Everything starts anew for the 2013-14 season and the winning bidder will take its pick. I’m serious … that’s where the concern about advertisers comes into play. If WVMH and WVRC are shut out and the winning bidder keeps them out and the bidder continus to do business with companies that had previously worked with WVMH and WVRC, where do those places go for their sponsorship?

pknocker40 said:

Still waiting on Prestige Worldwide to throw their hat in the ring…

Enjoy the weekend!