The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Attended Miss West Virginia pageant. Sold books. Saw archery. Got back to seat a little late after intermission. Missed a group dance number. Later learned I’d missed a competitor fall, which is the sort of thing I was … waiting … for. Caught up with my man RJB. Was told RJB was off to judge a pajama contest at the contestant dormitory. Came home. Ate a salad.

With that in my back pocket, I tap on my shoulders and take a brief timeout. I’ll be back Monday, a year older and wiser.

Sorry for the lack of notice, but I think we overdid the everything-happens-when-I’m-gone thing the last time I left. And I miscalculated when I took the NBA draft off and then just shook my head when Bill Neff told me about the promise from the first-round team.

Anyhow, check out another Kevin Jones story tomorrow about his, shall we say, unusual history with Neff and then a look Friday at WVU’s changed life in the Big 12. Today is your public hearing on the proposed TIF district at University Town Center and I’ll be at the Puskar Center in a while when, I kid you not, the new gray uniforms are available for a photo opportunity.

Bat signal at the ready. I’ll pop in as can. Enjoy the weekend!