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Friday Feedback

Talk about Friday Feedback, which doesn’t like when coaches or athletes get cute in the press conference and act like they don’t understand a question, or a tactic, when in reality they’ve heard all the questions and understand all the tactics.

That said, there are exceptions and this behavior is, in fact, encouraged.

Q. Can you talk about the match‑up with LeBron? It seemed like he was able to get to the basket basically when he wanted to until he put up that three there late in the ballgame. Talk about his ability to get to the basket.

KEVIN DURANT: Was that a question?  

Interesting question, Mr. Durant. The first part was. Had it been left at that, it’s passable. The second part, in which the reporter likely rambled on nervously? Nope!

Now, I doubt that happens if Oklahoma City’s Thunder wins the game last night and I suspect the response was born out of postgame frustration, but, man, so cool to see someone disarm “talk about” like that.

Look, there are so many places and so many ways to write now that the styles and the deliveries and the expectations vary. Truth be told, you don’t even have to be taught to be good at sportswriting these days. At least, not in the classical sense.

What drives a lot of us crazy is the way that people can’t conduct themselves in press conferences. That’s something that should be taught, or at least learned by teaching yourself. The ridiculous fan activity, prevalent incollege is one thing. The way people ask questions is another and usually draws a line between two crowds.

I don’t know who asked the question in this case. He or she could be a legend with a lot of awards for all I know, but “talk about” is a lazy way to ask a question and should be dismissed with prejudice.

Book! Check out Decision Makers Sunday morning (or the clips that’ll be online Sunday morning, though I don’t know where they’ll be). It was an issue-driven discussion about the texting ban, the next batch of state elections, mining legislation and a bit about the book and WVU football. One wonders what makes air!

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, be a family guy

I love you, Doug! said:

Apparently, Mike has written a new book, working off the first book’s theme:

“And after a few days we’ll pick a winner of the best caption on this picture, with the winner will receive a free copy of the new West Virginia football book “Waiting For Next Year” by Mike Casazza, on us. It’s that easy, that simple, and the book can be yours.”

Meanwhile, this edited version of the Holgo shootin’ pix is much better, courtesy the brilliant

The funny part about this? Check out the “Waiting For Next Year” blog. How about that?

The 25314 said:

If things don’t start to change on the recruiting trail, I’m afraid Huggs is going to have to give Happy the go ahead to bring in Ricky Roe and Butch McCray.

I haven’t put my feet in the wet cement on either side here because it sure sounds like the people around Macon have tried and tried and, realistically, there’s not much WVU can do. But he was committed and then de-committed in the past and his now acknowledged academic issues were, at the minimum, a concern when he was being recruited and then changed schools and all the way up until his signing. And didn’t the same thing happen with David Nyarsuk? It’s not Noah Cottrill or Darrious Curry, but it’s still in that column, isn’t it?

rekterx said:

Summer school magic! We’re gonna turn 3 “D’s” into 3 “A’s”! The miracles never cease.

Yeah, think the NCAA eligibility center might circle that one? There’s virtually no way Macon makes it between now and the first game without some detour or interruption. If he gets here, I bet you the NCAA benches him to take a look.

JP said:

Yeah bringing up an ACT 4 points is going to be a trick. Isn’t the max score 36, or is it 39?

I don’t guess Calipari is giving away any secrets about how he would get this done… Was it Derrick Rose that had someone take his test for him?

Say he goes up four. The NCAA can call shenanigans and make him take it again.

Dave said:

Someone, at some time, will still surpass Chris Washburn’s SAT.

Or should that be unsurpass?

Hard to unsurpass it. He scored 470. Impossible to do worse than 400.

Insider said:

Bringing up 3 D’s to 3 A’s is not difficult when those D’s came in early courses like 10th grade English………. a time when Macon had no academic supervision around him…. hence Huggs’ insistence on him coming to a prep program in order to regain his offer from WVU. Think about the amount of knowledge gained in that two year span for a kid who was flunking everything. He’s a HS grad correcting former mistakes, which should not be seen as impossible.

However, what’s the hurt if he doesn’t qualify? So he preps for a year and comes in with 7ft Center Brandon Watkins and (possibly) 6’7 Wing Nathan Adrian in the 2013 class….. With Humphrey’s 1-year scholarship obligation, who’s to say that this isn’t the better option for next year’s team anyway? What do we need to make the strongest team we will have in years better? Another PF? or an outside threat with 3 years high level experience? Simple answer there…..

Good suff, particularly the second paragraph, but the concern would be that he’s back home now and away from the support he sought to get his grades right.

Rugger said:

Didn’t Paul W’s leaving open up a spot?

Dave, I’m good for a few bucks, post your address and I’ll send you a check.

Paul W was a walk-on, so no.

lowercase jeff said:

as a full fledged football addict, i follow the CFL very closely. preseason starts tomorrow, as a matter of fact, and ESPN3 has always broadcast every game.

noel has a shot to be far more than a role player in that league. huuuuge field. running starts. less than elite speed on defense.

avon cobourne has been putting up 1000 yard season for 6 years now. he’s very well paid and has a few grey cups under his belt.

in montrael, noel will be playing with professional football’s all time leading passer (anthony calvillo, 70k+), and will have an opportunity to be THE big play guy in the offense.

i fully expect him to be absolute smash hit.

jock sanders in saskatchawn (sp) also has a shot, but i believe the switch BACK to rb will take a little while.

On the record, with a CAPITAL R!

Dann said:

There are other things in life that outweigh athletic achievment. As much as it means to us at the time; bottom line is even the most successful athletes can be completely without a clue about life and living.
Noel has walked through the fire and remained intact, to date he has landed on his feet despite incalculable odds that he fail miserably, or worse. I cannot help but be totally impressed – keep it up young man, you’ll get there…


Actually … as far ase sentiment goes, that’s about the most accurate and succinct thing I believe I’ve seen on Noel. I mean this as nicely and respectfully as possible: It’s remarkable that he is where he is and that he’s done, and is doing, what he’s done, and is doing. I’ve never hid from the way I admire Noel’s maturation at WVU.

oklahoma mountaineer said:

Noel Devine is a complicated person…..with an incredible past that he has worked hard to overcome. I think he needs a lot of guidance and support — which he got at WVU as BMOC; however, I don’t think he gets anything close to that in the NFL and maybe not at all as a professional.

That type of support is reserved for the difference makers — his height and weight do not allow him to be that type of player at the professional level. He’s a role player….and there are a lot of lower maintenance options available.

I want to be wrong and regardless of professional sports future, I hope he makes a big splash in whatever he does.

I got crushed for saying something very much like this before, but back before the draft that year, this was the message a few of us were getting from NFL people about Noel. He’d be without the exceptional support system he enjoyed at WVU and some expressed concern as to how he’d handle it. The implication upon his exit from Eagles camp was that he could not handle it. That said, it’s terribly unfair that tragedy intervened once again, and I think any of us would reach our limit at some point. For that — and for the fact I really do think he’s a good person — I hope he gets a chance to get it right.

Rugger said:

Noel hasn’t seemed right to me since the late hit in the LSU game. Good luck, little fella.

Agreed completely. The inability to pivot and explode off that toe essentially robbed him of his identity. What’s funny, or unfortunatel, I guess, is we all suspected through the years that wear and tear, or a big hit, would be the problem because he was so small and slight. Turns out it was a penalized hit out of bounds that affected a tiny part of his otherwise durable body and changed the score. I also wonder if that sent him in a particular direction, too. He almost never spoke to the media again after that. I can’t find a story I wrote after that game that quotes him.

Dirty Frank said:

The missing names, as a I see it are:

Sam Lebbie
Deontay McManus
Dee Joyner
Korey Harris
Christian Brown
Roshard Burney
Devonte Mathis

I’ve read elsewhere that Mathis will be here in July.

Nice to hear that all are expected – although I understand that Sunday Night Sportsline disagrees.

Good for them. I have no idea what was said, but it’s always fluid and often to the finish. There was a time WVU thought McManus would be here in January. He’s not here yet. There are three that are, I don’t know, underlined? The thought is each will make it. Allow me to say this: That is not my prediction. I just pass along what I gather…but when’s the last time everyone from a class made it?

IrishBillATL said:

Yeah I’ve seen elsewhere that Mathis, Brown, and Harris are in but may not be here immediately.

McManus and Lebbie are two of the prized recruits and it would be a shame if they didn’t make it, although I feel a lot better about our WR depth than I do with our LB depth so I’ve decided to hold my breath until Lebbie makes it, even if that means I pass out.

There are a few different starting points for summer enrollees. I would worry about who isn’t here after the next starting date.

hershy112 said:

The NCAA is making something harder than it needs to be? Come on. Stop playin’.

For real.

Trooper Taylor:

Making the game street legal takes the heart out of it.

*chest bump*

Josh24601 said:

A man’s gotta have a code.

Or the NCAA is gonna’ work them. Sweet Jesus, it’s gonna’ work them.

Bobby Heenan said:

That small, wrinkled-ass paper bag allowed the corner boys to have their drink in peace, and gave us permission to go and do police work…the kind of police work that’s actually worth the effort. That’s worth actually taking a bullet…

We need a small, wrinkled-ass paper bag for the NCAA investigators/compliance people so they can stop messing with 20 vs. 30 miles off campus rules and start working on Cam Newton-esque issues.

It would be easy to do over the phone, so long as it happens at a particular time of the year. And only when those involved are at work and not at home.

MontanaEER said:

There ain’t but two days on NCAA probation: the day you go on, and the day you come off.

pknocker40 said: 

Meatball Rankings:

1. Spicy Meatballs
2. Spaghetti & Meatballs
3. Meatballs Part II
4. Meatball Subs
5. Swedish Meatballs
Last: John Marinatto

Wither Meatwad?
 Mounties said:

Sorry to deviate from the topic, but I’m confused about the media rights bid.

There’s a chance MSN doesn’t retain the media rights, right? Does that mean a whole new radio/local broadcast crew? No Tony, Jay, Hoppy, etc.? Do you think they would be re-hired by the new owner of the media rights? Tony is “The Voice of the Mountaineers” he has got to be part of the package deal, right?

Caridi isn’t going anywhere. It would be foolish. I also tend to think that some of these outside firms may appeal to WVU by getting creative and finding ways to use who/what is in place. Who and what WVU has is not the largest problem. That said, you can read the RFP and come away thinking any of the in-state candidates won’t be picked because they haven’t done the things WVU specifically requires and/or seeks.

Wayne said:

I noticed that ticketing was included in the options out for bid. Is this common in these agreements or a response to complaints about the ticket office?

Common. It has nothing to do with anything, really. You’ll notice no dramatic difference. Has to do with the ad space on tickets or on seat backs, but also the ability to reward or entertain sponsors or potential sponsors with good seats.

SheikYbuti said:

Meet the NEW Voice of the Mountaineers! Bending … bending …

Enjoy the weekend!