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Let’s start the bidding …

Haven’t gotten around to this RFP business yet, and really, there’s just about nothing in this that we didn’t anticipate before. In fact, it puts virtually everything on the table for the bidders.

And now the fun begins for WVU to see what price tag the bidders will hang on the sponsorship and media assets — all while plainly withholding the ability to do nothing.

Nevertheless, the RFP “does not obligate West Virginia University or its Board of Governors to award a contract or complete the proposed project and each reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel this RFP,” the document says.

Additionally, WVU “reserves the right to include all or a portion of the components” in the final contract, even though most schools choose to award everything to one party.

Lots of misinformation and confusion being dispersed here with regard to what means what and how it could affect WVU and employees. Hard to say where this goes, though it’s probably safe to say things stand to change. Personnel? Maybe not and, to be honest, WVU may ultimately be impressed by the creativity of an outside firm that chooses to include what the Mountaineers have going at present, in some way, shape or form.

When? Well, it’s going to be a while, and WVU has plotted out a very specific schedule:  

Publish RFP: 6/8/2012
Submit Pre-Proposal Conference Call Questions: 6/20/2012 4:00 PM EST
Conduct Pre-Proposal Conference Call: 6/22/2012 10:00AM EST
Pre-Qualification Statements Due: 7/2/2012 4:00 PM EST
Notification of Qualified Offerors: 7/17/2012 4:00 PM EST
Round 1 Questions Due (4:00 PM EST): 7/20/2012 4:00 PM EST
Pre-Proposal Conference On-Site/Round 1 Answers/Round 2 Questions Due: 8/7/2012 1:00 PM EST
Target Date to Answer all Questions: 8/15/2012
Deadline for RFP proposal Submission: 8/31/2012 4:00 PM EST
Finish Evaluations: 9/28/2012
Presentations (If required) Two week window starting: 10/1/2012
Complete Selection Process: 10/19/2012
Approximate deadline for executing Contract: 12/7/2012

This has thus far impressed the industry because, don’t forget, this is to be implemented in time for the 2013-14 year.

Said one industry person, “The timing of the RFP being presented now is a good thing as the selected company should have a reasonable amount of time to make preparations for the initial season. There have been occasions when rights are not awarded until spring, which becomes very challenging for a new rights holder.”

Most of the items being solicited in the RFP are self-explanatory, but one did catch my eye because it, like the “pre-qualification statements,” was not in other RFPs I’ve seen.

Rights to Coach’s Endorsements (Subject to current and future employment agreements.)

This, I’ve been told, can be used for a variety of things, including adding to the pool of supplemental income. Take, as an example,  Dana Holgorsen’s contract — at least the one he signed as a term sheet that continues to serve as his “contract” until he signs the actual employment agreement. It’s for $11.5 million with the great majority coming from supplemental income because the base income for a state employee can only be so high.

That supplemental income comes from a number of things, but also from endorsement opportunities and working arrangements with the Mountaineer Sports Network.

In the past, WVU contracts have allowed for endorsement opporrtunities to include “athletic footwear, apparel, sideline gear, equipment, uniforms and media/promotional endorsement rights” that that coach possesses or may possess during the length of the contract.

Those opportunities figure to expand and WVU figures to be impressed by a firm that can increase those opportunities and the supplemental income. WVU will quite likely give the winning bidder the ability to find, negoiate and structure those opportunities.

Supplemental pay also covers MAC appearances as well as what WVU has in the past called “affiliated organizations,” and the number of those “affiliated organizations” could grow with the right firm in WVU’s corner.

Additionally, the supplemental pay covers all work for the Mountaineer Sports Network, which, for all we know, could go away because/if an outside firm pledges more money for these activities.

What’s it mean? It may very well become easier for WVU to supplement its supplemental income sources, which thenmayhelp keep coaches contracted.