The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Obviously, no F Double today

I’m writing this as quickly as I can, not because I have somewhere to go, but because I have no idea how long this portal will be open for me this morning. Meanwhile, “Rabbit Run” plays on Pandora and serves as my shot clock. So, no, no Friday Feedback today. Not enough posts or comments this week because of the Internet problems at Charleston Newspapers and no trust from me in the Internet there sustaining throughout the time I need to write one.

Sorry for the hassles and for wasting your time this week. I’m told it’s better, but we’ll see. Just a few things to pass on that we didn’t get into here this week:

1) Randy Mazey: Baseball coach with the full faith and support of the WVU athletic department. This includes the one still unexplained blemish on his otherwise fine resume.

Mazey said he felt comfortable with WVU’s plans to improve its baseball program.

“First and foremost, they’ve made a commitment to being good in the Big 12,” he said. “They’ve made a commitment to the finances, which is a huge part of this, and the commitment to facilities is a huge part of it. They’ve made commitments across the board.

“This isn’t going to be a one-man show. It’s going to take a lot of people, and so far the administration at West Virginia has been great at providing what I feel is necessary to compete where we’re trying to compete.”

2) Remember Krystal Forthan? In May, I wrote this about her and about Mike Carey’s success with transfers as WVU’s women’s basketball coach.

“We’ve been fortunate,” Carey said. “We do our homework and try to figure out if it’s a good fit and if there’s a good feel. And we have to have a need.  If we have a need for that position, then we want them to be good people and we want them to fit. We don’t want a transfer in here that doesn’t fit with the rest of the players and upsets the whole program.”

That story also included this from Carey: ” “She is a very talented player who will add instant notoriety to WVU women’s basketball.” Bingo! I’m weird like this, but notoriety is one of the most incorrectly used words we have. It refers to the quality or state of being notorious, so unless Forthan was a rapper from Brooklyn, it didn’t really fit here.

Or did it? Because right on freaking cue, Forthan has given up her scholarship and basketball and school so she may pursue modeling.

3) Ryan Dorchester, a man of many changes in his almost eight years at WVU as a undergraduate student, manager, graduate student, graduate assistant and now man of import, says things really haven’t changed of late. He has a bigger paycheck and a new title as the coordinator of recruiting operations, but recruiting is recruiting.

“I don’t know if there’s a secret, a hidden edge that you can find because I think it’s very well-noted and very well-covered, but what you can do is be thorough,” he said.

And so Holgorsen includes a question with just about every discussion about a prospect: “Why?”

“As in, ‘Why do you like this kid? Why is this kid better than the other kid?'” Dorchester said. “You’ve got to be able to back it up with something other than, ‘Just because.’ You can’t go with, ‘He’s going to be a great ballplayer. He’d be a great fit.’

“Those are cliché terms. You have to point to specific stuff to explain what you think. You’ve got to be able to base your opinion on something.”

Now, the Mountaineers are trying to find areas they can exploit and have made something out of a player’s senior highlights and — I did not ask Dorchester to say this — local newspapers!

4) Book! Keep working the Father’s Day Special for Waiting For The Fall. Had a few so far and they’re sentimental, except the one fella who used the inscription to confess to something from his childhood. I promised to keep it a secret, but the guy unlocked the potential of this idea.

5) Book!! College Football Zealots have a website, obviously, as well as a live radio show. They invited me on for noon today to talk WFTF and WVU football, and I’m sure we’ll steer off the road a time or two, too. You can listen live, or afterward, at this link. If you have half a chance, you grab it. Rabbit run.