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Kevin Jones, come out and play

The NBA draft lottery is tonight and that shouldn’t really resonate with Kevin Jones, but he is still out there running through the pre-draft workout circuit. He’s a second-round guy and he’ll spend much of the next month auditioning for teams who want a low risk, high value player in the second half of the draft.

It’s a particularly interesting proposition this year because normally the second round is where teams draft and stockpile international players. This year’s draft isn’t expected to see the normal glut of international players. That’s significant for a guy like K.J., who on Monday worked out for the Golden State Warriors.

The Warriors, who have the No. 36 and No. 52 overall selections (second round), worked out several potential picks Monday. Michigan State forward Draymond Green, West Virginia power forward Kevin Jones, Syracuse small forward Kris Joseph and Xavier point guard Tu Holloway are all projected to be selected in the second round.

Doesn’t guarantee anything, I know, but I want to direct you to this one fellow on Golden State’s executive board.