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I can’t wait to see this in action

College officials may be empowered to assess technical fouls for the way coaches and their assistants and support staff members conduct themselves in response to calls and no-calls. Say hello to a potentially ridiculous level of subjectivity.

Officials could keep their ears open for “profane, vulgar, threatening, or derogatory remarks” made to officials or opponents and comments that question an official’s integrity – and that would include pointing out a disparity in foul calls made against the two teams.

They’ll similarly keep their eyes open for extended reactions to calls or no-calls, demonstrative responses that dramatize the play or express disbelief, negative responses calls that include approaching an official, removing a suit jacket or throwing items in disgust.

Dunne said the officials will try not to react to spontaneous actions, but also don’t want the coaches and their staff members to overstep their boundaries.

“Emotion is a big part of the game, and you don’t want to take it out of the game,” Dunne said.

“But you can still be emotional without displaying unsportsmanlike behavior.”

Here’s the thing that worries me: Jamie Dixon’s strict policy of ignoring the coach’s box, Buzz Williams shedding his suit jacket, Jim Boeheim’s Hall of Fame look of disbelief, just about everything Jim Calhoun does, so on and so forth.

And what of your Bob Huggins, who can be demonstrative and sometimes smart alecky the sideline — sarcastically praising bad calls, clapping for whistles he disagrees with, throwing two hands at an official he can no longer take — but also subtle and restrained?

I have a running joke with a friend of mine in the coaching business who long ago pointed out Huggins will sometimes pantomime to the official the sign for a call he believes that official should be making. Specifically, he’ll signal carrying and over-the-back.

That’s designed to be subdued and peaceful … but, by definition, it would be subject to a technical foul. Good luck with that.