The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

And exhale …

In a fascinatingly proactive move by the WVU president, Jim Clements is calling around to share with writers that Oliver Luck has no plans to leave his job.

“I knew his name had come up for Big East commissioner, the Big 12 commissioner, it had come up for Stanford, so I said, ‘I’m just asking in general, because I know the next big university, like Texas, is going to need an A.D. and your name is going to be on the list, so I need to know because we’ve got a lot going on here,’ ” Clements said Thursday.

“He said, ‘Jim, I love it here, I love what I do. I think we’re making great progress. This is my alma mater and this is where I want to be.’ “

The details of that conversation could have stayed private and the particulars of Luck’s career preferences could have remained exclusive to him and his confidants.

Clements thought it was smart to share his discovery.

“We know how much West Virginia means to everyone and I don’t want Mountaineer Nation to continue to be stressed out about it,” he said. “I don’t want Oliver distracted from his work or me distracted from my work. I’d rather just squash the rumor.”