The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Wake me up when September comes

According to the outfit consulting West Virginia with its outsourcing process, the university could pick its partner by September and then have an entire year to implement plan to properly present the  new product. It also sounds like people are hedging on hedging now and more and more it appears this is a matter of when business around these parts will change as opposed to if it will change.

“We initially provided the university, and specifically Oliver, a third-party evaluation of all of their rights — the marketing rights and the media rights — to give him a sense of how they’re operating today,” Johnston said.

“Oliver wanted an external evaluation not only to see how business is conducted today, but to determine if there could be another way of working with other firms or not. Now the university has decided to explore outside firms and outsourcing parts or all of their rights.”