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Solid time with The Solid Verbal podcast

I’m of the opinion you should listen regularly to The Solid Verbal podcast, if not for the content and the entertainment, than because of the background story.

The hosts are self-made, guys who were knocking out unique niches online and macheteing their own path. One of them even won a contest. Still, they decided they wanted to do something special, hence the podcast.

They’ve met but twice and they operate separately from Allentown, Pa., and New York City. It hasn’t stopped them from producing a nationally significant product.

I was pretty excited to be invited on for last night’s episode. They’ve read Waiting for the Fall and, as college football connoisseurs, wanted to go over the past and look toward the future. So we did, for half an hour or so.

Obviously, you should listen to the whole thing. At the 10:20 mark, they pretty much encapsulate why I wrote the book — “Fascinating tale of the last decade of West Virginia football!” — by framing the past decade and hanging it next to any other program out there.

I hop on at the 20 minute mark. After I sign off, there is a wonderful juxtaposition of Mike Garrison and the pictured Trooper Taylor.

Enjoy. And heckle these gentlemen so they come to their first WVU game in the fall.