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Bruce Irvin kept working after his pro day

Probably the biggest component of Bruce Irvin’s arrest in March was that it came the night of his very impressive pro day performance on campus. He’s killed the audition, this after his showcase at the combine, and showed off his gifts. The post-arrest perception was that he wasn’t nearly as bright off the field as he proved to be on it.

The reality, he said, was very different. That swim move better be a hit in Seattle.

“It was the same night as my pro day, and you know I had a real good pro day. So I went out. I’m not gonna lie, I went out with a couple other guys. Wasn’t drunk. Wasn’t under the influence of anything. Kinda just fooling around, man, and kind of like, swim-moved a sign on the top of a car when demonstrating a swim move cause we was talking walking to the car . . . It was a sign on top of a delivery car, and I like swim-moved the sign. So, the police officer, he was a younger guy — I think he kinda see who I was and kinda wanted to make an example out of me. So, they blew it out of proportion. Like I said, I wasn’t drunk, he didn’t give me no sobriety test or nothing like that. I went to court Tuesday and all of it got dismissed, so God took care of it. But it’s just another sign to just know that the spotlight’s on me and they really magnify it on me. Everybody don’t want you to be successful, man. It’s my fault — I shouldn’t have went out, but like I said, I don’t regret it, it’s just a lesson learned and I’m moving forward from it.”