The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Hey, it’s working!

Sorry for the delay … out of my control. Things are going to move fast today because the technological errors shortened the day, but, to review …

– WVU is going to lose and perhaps promptly gain an assistant basketball coach.

– WVU is going to finish its basketball schedule and fill that “mysterious high-major.”

As for football, practice is open this afternoon and we’ll see if Andrew Buie is healthy and full-go again. Or was he jinxed when someone wrote this?

“I feel real good, to be honest,” the Jacksonville, Fla., native said. “I probably haven’t felt this good physically since last camp -since I first got here. My body just feels so fresh.”

There’s a good explanation. The Mountaineers are in the final third of spring practice and the Mountaineers really don’t tackle a lot in spring practice. Buie’s biggest bugaboo as a freshman was getting tackled.

Actually, getting whacked. Tackling Buie was oftentimes more of an event than a statistic for a defender.

“I’ve been in some wars, I took some big shots, I got some bruises,” the 5 foot, 9 inch, 185-pound Buie said.

Said this before, but pretty impressive that Buie owned the fact he got hit hard and got hit hard a lot last season. Even better that he’s determined to learn from those instances.