The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Wanted: Fighters, talkers and, perhaps, players

A 72-play scrimmage saw the media see only a few things, but the talk afterward had a lot to do with the talk during it.

There was a ring leader and there were little circuses here and there among players, but there was just enough that it was never too much. There was just enough that it was never discouraged and actually seemed encouraged. There was just enough that it was just enough.

“That has to exist if you are going to get better,” Holgorsen said.

A scrimmage such as the one that was held Sunday and two others that are scheduled prior to the spring game serves that purpose.

“Who wins and loses isn’t necessarily the point,” Holgorsen said. “It’s not a competition. It’s done to make yourself and your team better. We are just looking for progress.”

That’s the coaches’ viewpoint.

The players see it differently. They are competing, trying to win, not the game but each individual battle. Jobs depend on it.

Hence, tempers flare from time to time and the coaches understand and accept that.

“Obviously, unless they waste too much time or carry it into the locker room, it’s fine. Then we tell them to quit it, but normally it’s good, wholesome, healthy fun,” Holgorsen said.