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A short story about a little 6-4, 315-pound lineman

Once with dreams of playing for Florida State and then destined for Rutgers, Marquis Lucas is now at peace at WVU and in place at left tackle behind supposed starter Quinton Spain. Quite a tale about how it all went down for the large lineman and how he wrestled with picking the right school for him, but not nearly as interesting as hearing about his worst worries from when the coaching change took place last year.

“I had a bad feeling I wasn’t what they were looking for,” he said.

Lucas is the redshirt freshman offensive tackle who this spring is working behind sophomore Quinton Spain on the left side. Lucas was wooed by the old Mountaineers coaching staff out of a commitment to Rutgers, but was later concerned that he might not fit with the new staff that arrived in January 2011 – and in particular offensive line coach Bill Bedenbaugh.

“Before I talked to him for the first time, I did a little research on him and I checked out some of the tackles he had at Arizona,” Lucas said. “I’m seeing guys, like, 6-7, 6-8, and I’m thinking, ‘Man, I might not be this guy’s type.'”

The two eventually spoke and Lucas learned Bedenbaugh had done his homework, too. They agreed there was a future together.

“He told me he loved my feet and loved the way I move,” Lucas said. “That pretty much sealed the deal.”

A few schools wanted Lucas to play guard, but he prefers tackle and that’s where he’s at now and where he thinks his “undersized” nature will actually help. Again, he’s behind the more mammoth Spain, but who knows for how long? Remember, neither Spain nor Pat Eger could hang on at right tackle last season and Lucas said he can play the right side, which is also where Spain moonlighted a year ago.