The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Back in business

Emanating live from the Daily Mail office after scouting Big 12 country the past five days, let’s begin with a good news/bad news deal …

Good news, bad news today.

Good news: We’re still on for River’s Edge Cafe, in St. Albans, from 5-7 p.m. tonight.

Bad news: We had a shipping snafu and the copies that were supposed to be delivered so I’d have enough got caught up and won’t make it in time.

We will have copies, but a far more limited number than anticipated. I know this isn’t ideal, but it’s not a me thing and it’s not a River’s Edge thing, so please don’t hold it against either of us.

If you can’t get a copy tonight, I’m truly sorry. What I can do for you is tell you free shipping is still available in two capacities on — order two or more (or somehow get your order over $25) or sign up for a free trial of Amazon Prime.

If that’s not for you, maybe we can work out something else. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the fact people want me — me? — to sign their book, but it bothers me to realize I won’t be able to do that for some people.

To paraphrase an old friend, I promise I’ll come back to town to make this right, “if they’ll have me.”