The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Wow … there’s a thousand words

The fist of the 1,000 to come to mind? Seething. I’m sure you’ve read exactly as much as you wanted to read those morning — Aside: Read the last Bob Huggins press conference of the season and see one more shovel of dirt thrown atop his Mountaineers. — so I won’t add on. That’s just a great picture, I thought. Says everything.

As for me, I went to the Texas School Book Depository yesterday and, well, let’s just say they had no interest in the crate of books I brought with me. Guess I had the wrong idea.

Nevertheless, Amazon says we’re doing pretty well. No. 1 in mountaineering! If you’ve already helped, thanks so much. If you’ve yet to help, please let me unseat Mr. Tebow.