The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

And so rises a dissenting opinion

Well, despite reaching No. 1 today, and despite  some people already purchasing and finishing “Waiting For The Fall,” it seems not everyone is excited about this book. Some are fear it could be their downfall.

One more book thing: If you care, there will be a launch party in town at the end of this month.

Now, some newspaper stuff.

I picked the wedding. I leave tomorrow morning, but don’t sweat(er) my absence. JackBo is on the scene in Pittsburgh. Guy’s covered more NCAA Tournament games than Varez Ward. (Go ahead and look it up. I’ll be here. … Good? Let’s continue …)  I’ll be back Monday night and then working Tuesday. And you, you’ll be able to buy the book by then. There will be 60 or so on hand Tuesday night at River’s Edge Cafe, in St. Albans, too. I’ll be there, unless something normal happens and my travel plans come off the tracks.

Buckle up, it’s March!