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Huggins back to the drawing board (not really)

Curious how you feel about this, at this point of the season, but WVU spent parts of the practices preceding Selection Sunday putting in some new sets. It’s not a lot, but these are additions.

Two very different ways to look at this:

A) “Good idea! They couldn’t do the old stuff all too well. It gives Gonzaga something else to think about in practice.”

“That’s what good teams do,” forward Deniz Kilicli said. “Good teams adjust in this situation. You’ve got to be able to play different than what you did the whole year. We’ve played 32 games. Everyone has 32 films on us. They’re going to look at pretty much everything and be able to tell what our tendencies are.

“If we change a couple things on offense and defense, it can work to our advantage. We put in a couple new things. Not too many things, but a couple sets and we changed our defense a little bit.”

B) “Bad idea! Too much too late. They’re asking the same player to lean new things right now?”

“We can’t work on things for two weeks and know what the hell we’re doing,” Huggins said. “We can’t change that much. I tried to outsmart them and put about three different things in for three different people and I thought we could take advantage of it. (The opponents) were more prepared for it than our guys were to run it.”

Really, is it good that they’re filtering and simplifying and installing things — and, let’s be clear, it’s not a lot … it’s not an overhaul — or is it bad that they’re about to rely on some new stuff as they prepare to play their biggest game of the season?