The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

How about one on football

By now you know Steve Dunlap is for real still an assistant coach on Dana Holgorsen’s football staff. Dunlap is the full-time special teams coach and will also dabble in outside linebackers.

It should be known that Dunlap had questions about his future with WVU, too. A good relationship with Dana Holgorsen didn’t hurt.

“I was here probably four or five days before I was in Dana’s office on, like, a Sunday and we were planning a recruiting trip and he said, ‘We need to go here and here and here,'” Dunlap said.

Dunlap stopped things before they went any further and addressed the obvious.

“That means I still have a job?” he asked.

Holgorsen smirked. “Yeah, why do you ask?”