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Live scouting report: UConn v. DePaul

12:04: I’m intersted in Jim Calhoun today and I’m sitting close enough to study his every move. He’s been back one game from an extended absence for a back problem. He’s an inspiring figure, so I wonder what he has up his sleeve.

12:05: By the way, I’ve seen Levy from “The Wire” twice already, once in my hotel inquiring about meeting space, I think. Oriakhi looks just like Cutty from the Cut.

12:07: Buzz late in this season is Napier is a pro PG. His straight-line drives have gotten a lot better and he has to know the size on his side will help whatever he misses. Meanwhile, DePaul is 3-for-4 and leads 7-4. The Demons seem to have a swagger born out of Saturday’s rout of Seton Hall. They looked like they rather enjoyed the warmups.

12:10: Interesting, too, that UConn started starting Roscoe Smith late in the season. He’s a pretty good player but he had a shaky season … until he started starting. They weren’t getting a lot out of that slot in the starting lineup, but it’s been better lately and Boatright can flat score off the bench … and he just did with a 3 for a 12-7 lead. DePaul has missed five straight shots. UConn is shooting 71 percent and its size is causing problems.

12:15: Flagrant 1 gechnical foul on Oriakhi but DePaul misses two free throws. Erik Martin and Larry Harrison are here scouting for WVU.

12:18: DePaul is now traveling before shooting. That’s what the size is doing. Lots of looking before moving, which leads to moving before dribbling. And Lamb is probably one of the sneakiest players I’ve ever seen. He’s long and lanky, but he’s not what I’d call thin. He uses his arms and legs to a great advantage on defense and especially offense. And he looks so sleepy that he catches you off guard with a quick shot or a quick move. Truck will have him tomorrow and though he did a good job on him in Hartford, Lamb had a pretty good run when UConn asserted itself in the second half.

12:21: From the far end of the floor, UConn isn’t much taller than DePaul, but the Huskies are so much biger and thicker. It’s actually quite alarming. You should see these DePaul players bouncing off the UConn players. They can’t get the ball because they can’t get to the ball.

12:27: DePaul hanging around, down 22-19, and doing a neat thing on the press. They break it off when UConn breaks it and then they pack the lane. They don’t want to give up dives and easy shots and rebounds. UConn is going to shoot it … and on cue, Roscoe makes a 3 and the Huskies force a timeout with a run-out basket. Suddenly 27-19. When the Huskies want to, they sure do show their talent.

12:29: To further the KJ-not-winning-POTY “rumor,” a Big East official walked up to Justin Jackson today and said, “Just to be sure, when they announce player of the year, you know it’s the coaches who vote, right?” Implication there being it’s not the conference itself that picks.

12:31: Kirk makes the first two under-the-basket plays of the game for DePaul — blocked shot on one end and then a put-back on the other. Took them long enough.

12:33: If you’re interested, the officials often hold a time slot throughout the tournament. Two of the guys today you ought to know: John Gaffney (swallowed whistle when Smith tackled Truck in the Louisville game) and Gene Steratore (Syracuse game).

12:35: Everytime UConn gets a rebound r a loose ball on defense, a GA in a suit on the UCOnn bench jumps to his feet and yells “GO!” Calhoun, meanwhile, has been understated and mostly seated thoughout the game.

12:38: I’m sitting right at the DePaul basket. Lots of contact and, to the chagrin of soft gray-suited Oliver Pernell, not many whistles. The Demons are persistent in their attacks though and Purnell’s persistence, particularly with Steratore, gets a touch foul on a jumper. Foul count is now 7-4 in UConn’s favor.

12:40: DePaul is playing itself in and out of this game at an alarming rate. Calhoun is up and pacing the sidelines and and just let Giffey have it for using his hands to get called for a foul.

12:44: Oriakhi gets a seat after his second foul. Calhoun points at Drummond: “You better play!” Drummond swats the very first shot he sees way out of bounds. Talent is not a question with him. The switch, it seems, is.

12:46: Drummond is an abyssmal free-throw shooter, though. Curious if DePaul will use that in the second half.

12:55: That was a horrendous no-call. Should be two free throws for DePaul. Instead UConn has the ball and a possesion out of a timeout with 31 seconds and no shot clock.

12:56: Wow, Lamb just capped a terrific first half with a reverse layup. He has 17 points and UConn is shooting 55 percent. I’m shocked to learn DePaul is actually rebounding UConn 23-20. It’s 46-33 at the half and the Huskies are really scoring.

1:00: Only guy having a better day than Lamb is this guy — the energetic, effusive and effective GA who is onhis feet and all over the Huskies.

1:21: UConn threatening to run away here and Drummond alreadyhas four points — as many as he had the first half. He also has no rebounds. Fascinating player. I’m curious how long Purnell stays buttoned down getting absolutely no calls. It’s a 19-point game now and he’s long ago exhausted his arms-out expressions. What the hay, get a T.

1:23: Drummond gets his first two rebounds and then two points as he puts back the second of two misses. Boatright, Lamb and Drummong — 12, 19 and 12 points. That’s a bad combination for any opponent.

1:28: Boatrighthas been great today and has been in the paint just about any time he’s desired. Remember, he was once committed to WVU.

1:29: Approaching worst case scenario time for WVU. UConn is killing DePaul on both ends. The confidence is up. The regulars are going to get a rest, too. Meanwhile, DePaul has the most confusing roster ever, what with its rash of players with first names as last names: Cleveland Melvin, Donnavan Kirk, Moses Morgan and Jeremiah Kelly.

1:33: The Huskies couldn’t shake DePaul in the first half, but they’ve played really hard this half, especially Drummong, which seeems contagious. It’s a 17-point game and the Demons are not getting back into this one.

1:36: Contest during this timeout is for free American Eagle jeans for a year. Wha? Also, Caron Butler, a UConn grad seated behind the UConn bench, was very interested in the competition.

1:41: DePaul got it to 10 points andthe UConn just kind of decided, “Hmm, how about six points in 40 seconds?” Switch is on today, folks.

1:42: Uh oh, 2-3 from UConn. That gets in the scouting report for WVU.

1:43: Same play, at least a half a dozen times, happened inthe first half with no whistle. WVU might want to expect that and learn to deal with that.

1;50: Morgan with a 3 and it’s a nine-point game. Big energy shift here. The UConn bench is listless while DePaul’s is engaged and explodes when Lamb gets the three-shot foul. Strange call. MSG has that collective “Hmmm” feeling right now, wondering if the Demons can make this interesting.

1:53: That should do it. DePaul misses a 3 down11, UConn scores off an offensive rebound, DePaul misses twice inside, Lamb cherry picks and scores on a run-out. It’s 76-61 with 5:15 to go and, man, does DePaul give up a lot of points.  One thing for WVU to circle: DePaul has 20 offensive rebounds.

2:02: DePaul won’t lay down and that seems to bother and onconvenience UConn.

2:07: Yikes, Drummond shot those right at me. And I mean that. I ducked on the second one. But seriously, he wears his struggles when he’s at the line. Painful facial expressions on those two misses.

2:08: UConn tolls here, 81-67. Made spurts when it got close and DePaul couldn’t really make a threat. Lamb was the player of the game, but Boatright finished with 19-7-4 ona day the Huskies needed it with Napier in foul trouble.