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More interesting times inside the Coliseum

Someone emailed me this morning and asked me a question … can’t remember who, exactly, but for some reason I want to say he was over the C-USA. I might have that wrong.

Anyhow, what he asked about was along the lines of what I tracked last night in the postgame. The tone, if not the suggestion, of many questions was that all was well again with WVU’s basketball team and, in particular, specific parts. The Mountaineers did look pretty good for most of the game for a change and, given the occasion, that was to be celebrated, I guess.

Never mind DePaul did exactly what DePaul does and the Mountaineers, to their credit, simply did what a DePaul opponent ought to do if it’s worth its weight in gold.

Or, in this case, fool’s gold.

I think the best part of the postgame — and this is what I’m writing about for Friday, for the record — is how young and old players scoffed at the notion things were fine again. They eschewed those questions.

Yes, yes, WVU scored and shot and guarded and rebounded on a level well above what it had done for a long, long time. Certain players were not themselves, which was perhaps the best news in weeks. Guys had confidence for either long or brief stretches. They took to their roles or played to their strengths and generally seemed to be much different than what Bob Huggins had griped about Friday night.

So, to them, kudos. Keep it up. Build on this.


Or is it another way? Given the opposition, that’s the kind of performance that was to be expected, especially if the Mountaineers are to be taken seriously by the NCAA’s selection committee. And yet there were just enough issues to keep Huggins upright in his seat in the film session.

The team fell asleep in the first half. DePaul scored a lot of points and, come to think of it, had some really good shots. Deniz, I feel, just didn’t get to the party on time. You still saw some people submit some sloppy turnovers and careless moments.

So, to them, you still are who you are, only it was good enough for one night to beat the program that for four straight years now is the worst in the Big East.


I honestly don’t know. I can see advantages of both approaches and I can certainly see drawbacks for both. Bob Huggins was in Minnesota this morning and the team has the day off, so there is time for the coach to put together his plan and get ready for Saturday’s potentially enormous situation in Tampa.

Huggins said last night things won’t come nearly as easy against USF as they did against DePaul and he touted the size and length the Bulls have and how they use it to be so good on defense.

A lot to think about here. Put on the pullover and put down Twitter: You’re Bob Huggins. What angle do you take with your team tomorrow?