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Nearly out of things to say about Kevin Jones

The supply will be exhausted not long after he wins Big East Player of the Year Tuesday — Bob Huggins said there ought to be an investigation if his senior doesn’t win the award … and I’d love to cover that –and deservedly so. In all seriousness, Mr. Jones has been a treat to deal with for four seasons now. Never a problem. Not once. And this season, when, speaking for myself, I’ve asked him some hard questions, he’s accepted and answered every one and with a level of candor you don’t often receive. So good for him. And good for us that we’re not out of things to call him just yet.

Enter tonight’s opposing coach, Oll Purnell.

“If I had to describe him it would be one word — warrior. He’s been a warrior since I’ve been in the league. He does what he does. He rebounds, he scores, he leads. He’s an inspiration to his team.”