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Bob Huggins undoes that top button, undresses team

And there you have it, the manifestation of frustrations you were destined to witness if you covered Friday’s brutal West Virginia loss to No. 10 Marquette.

The second half produced a collapse that, while not really unfamiliar and definitely not unexpected, nevertheless sent Bob Huggins one giant leap closer to the ledge — and he’s been gaining ground for a while now.

Analytically, bluntly, calmly, derisively — I can go through the alphabet here … I’ve even got one for X … “xerophytically” — Huggins described the mounting frustrations in his 10-minute mostly-monologue with the team. One 3 minute, 53 second extrapolation will be explored below.

If you’re worried about how this might be digested by the freshmen, know that 1) Huggins is beyond caring now 2) some of those freshmen aren’t guaranteed to be coming back. Pretty sure there can be no questioning either condition after watching and listening to him.

Huggins called a player a coward. He vowed not to get into basketball socialism. He picked on players who watch and vowed to rid the team of players who cannot play. He aimed at Deniz Kilicli and Aaron Brown. He started slowly and with both reason and patience, but then got going when he’d finally pushed the boulder to the top of the mountain.

Justin Jackson: “Coach, with these young guys defensively –“

Bob Huggins: “They suck.”

Jackson: “Has that been the hardest transition for them?”

Huggins: “The hardest transition, Justin, is that you have to play every play. You can’t take plays off. You can’t stand and stare at the ball. I mean, the reality is there’s a whole bunch of them that we ought to take the price the season tickets out of their scholarship because they’ve stood and watched the whole near. They never participated. They’ve never …

“I’ve been doing this 30 years, man. People who have seen my teams play, we never got outmanned the way we got outmanned today. We’ve never been outmanned. We’ve never — we don’t get to loose balls. We have a situation where we throw the ball away, which we do a lot, so we ought to have a lot of practice at it. They’re going down and one of our guys  — you know, I don’t know really what happened because I’m looking to make sure that we got guys following the play and that, you know, somebody doesn’t grab the ball that’s not supposed to grab the ball and take it out of bounds against the press — and we had a guy just stop, man. He’s the one who threw it away. He stops. And they run by us and miss the layup and they tip it in. I’ve never had that.

“I’ve never had a guy get out of the way and not take a charge. I’ve never had that. I don’t get it, man. I just don’t. I despise cowards. I despise cowards. Somebody who, somebody who has an opportunity to play at the highest level of major college basketball who’s afraid to step in front of a guy and take a charge? I mean, that’s, to me, that’s just, I can’t, I can’t fathom that. I can’t fathom accepting a scholarship and not, and not compete.

“I told them on the radio this is as frustrated as I’ve been since my first year at Walsh College, when I went home and asked my wife, ‘Do you think I can sell insurance? Because I can’t do this.’ I can’t lose like this. It just eats me up. I can’t do it. And these guys seemingly, it doesn’t seem to bother them much.

“And, you know, we end up short on numbers, you know. Now you’re trying to survive, you’re trying to win, you know, enough games that, you know, K.J. gets to finish his career the way he should, because what I feel like is going in there for three hours and just running the absolute you-kn0w-what out of them and make them stand there and take charges and make them dive on the floor, but you can’t do it this time of the year.

“I didn’t do it because everyone said, ‘Well, they’re freshmen.’ Well, they’re freshmen that don’t win. That’s what they are.”

Video credit to the folks. I didn’t like the quality of my audio enough and it lacked the visual element. Watching the words really adds to this. Thanks, BGN.