The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Juuuuust a bit outside. Tried the Senate and missed.

Hey, nothing is every easy, which is why you wake up this morning and see this headline: “Plan for WVU baseball stadium hits snag.”

West Virginia University’s hope to build a Big 12-suitable baseball stadium using a tax-increment financing district came to an abrupt halt Tuesday evening when Commerce Department officials told lawmakers they hadn’t received any of the necessary documents needed to proceed.

The bill creating the district was on Tuesday morning’s Senate Government Organization Committee agenda. However, committee Chairman Herb Snyder decided not to bring the bill up for discussion.

When asked about the bill late Tuesday, Snyder said it is unlikely the bill will reappear in his committee this session.

“It’s just premature for the Legislature to pass the bill,” Snyder said. “The bill’s not going back on the agenda; it’s not ready for the Legislature.”

Rain delay. Doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Just means the parties involved didn’t go through the proper and required review process. So, unless some strings are pulled, the bill won’t be a part of this session.