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Browne quite good at taking things that aren’t his

Where might West Virginia be without Gary Browne this season? WVU’s freshmen guard has twice sent games to overtime with 3-pointers and twice WVU has won when it seemed it might lose. He leads the team in steals and improbable possessions, those hustle player where he just gets a ball he has no business getting to, be it a loose ball, a long rebound or a bobble.

He is equal parts basketball player, volleyball player, shortstop and cat burglar, but his greatest contribution has been letting the Mountaineers play big when they play small. His rebounding has helped fill that void on the wing.

“I don’t box them all out, but I find space to get to the ball,” he said. “I don’t care who it is, they don’t jump that high to catch the ball over the rim. It’s always going to come down. If it comes down to the floor, I want to get it.”