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More defensive staff stuff

Another day, another name and another batch of “news” about who is maybe possible reportedly connected to the vacancies at West Virginia.

Understand this about the way Dana Holgorsen and Oliver Luck will do this: They’re going to talk to a lot of people. They have to and for a few reasons. For one, they have three vacancies, which means not everyone you hear about is necessarily a candidate for defensive coordinator. Those two gentlemen also have a coveted ability right now to showboat a little bit because of a what the program has going for it as it moves forward. Why not talk to as many people as possible?

In the meantime, you’ll discover a lot of names out there. Who you were excited about a week ago might not be who you’re excited about today. Deep breaths, everyone.

All we know right now is Joe DeForest is on the way, though WVU won’t say anything on that until he’s cleared the standard background checks and is approved for employment … and even then, I bet the university does like Arizona and announces everyone at once.

That said, his position is not clearly defined, which, to me, would suggest he is not the defensive coordinator. At least, he is not the lone defensive coordinator. You might find it hard to believe he makes the move without the promotion, but I’ve been told there’s a feeling the time is right — he was at Oklahoma State 11 years and his daughter is done with high school. He’s known Dana for a long time, too.

Plus, 11 years is a long time and you could apply to DeForest’s situation the logic you could apply to Jeff Casteel’s.

And don’t forget this: Casteel has long been bothered by the suggestion he does not want to be a head coach. It’s not true. He wants to run a program, not just a defense. Yet he’s been at WVU for 11 seasons and he and his family are comfortable. There was this perception attached, though, that he was too comfortable and that he didn’t want to leave.

This is the strongest indication possible that he would leave and perhaps athletic directors across the country take notice. At the very worst, Casteel will showcase his nationally renowned skills to a new part of the country.

One wonders what the price tag is for DeForest. He was making $400,000 and that’s not assistant coach money at WVU. That’s coordinator money. Is it co-coordinator money? Maybe and perhaps the position will be shared, but now you’re paying two defensive guys coordinator money and you might have to give someone on the offensive side coordinator money, too.

All of that said, one thing Luck has convinced me of is that money won’t stand  in the way of success.

With whom could the coordinator position be shared? Today a lot of people say Brent Venables … but one reason Venables might be leaving Oklahoma is because he’s about to be co-coordinator there. Doesn’t make total sense to go from co- to co- right? Perhaps he, too, is just ready for a change and to show people he can make a change. This name first checked in at “long shot,” but I think it’s possible.

I just wonder what everyone things about co-coordinators, what with the way shared power was handled in the coach-in-waiting situation.