The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

And then there were two …

… days left before the Orange Bowl. Dana Holgorsen may feel like he’s been getting ready for this game for a long time, but he believes every part of the preparations — apart from the injuries, of course — is going according to plan.

An, but what about practice …

The facility at Division II Barry University is top-shelf stuff. A bunch of us took a good, long look at the baseball stadium.

Believe it or not, the season is just around the corner now.

Football and baseball aside, the Buccaneers take their men’s soccer very seriously. I mean it.

Perhaps it’s contagious.

This is how the womanagers (sic) kill time before the team arrives — and there is no mistaking when the team arrives.

The players spill out of the bus into the locker room and change into their practice gear before walking to the field. A select number of players are asked to do interviews before practice. Behold Shaq Petteway and’s Andrea Adelson.

Practice begins and, again, it’s a terrific football field. Plush grass. Stands. Space. Goal posts. Fine football field, right?

Ah! No football at Barry U. This is their soccer field. That didn’t stop Vince Cashdollar from getting after it in some offensive drills.

The offense v. defense stuff is kind of fun to watch. Again, we never get to see this and we never got to see it in spring or preseason camp. It might be mindless or meaningless, but it’s new. On Jan. 1, 2012, new is good. Tavon made a phenomenal one handed catch on one play and Eu successfully faded into Bolivia on another.

Then something weird happened. WVU huddled and … well, take a look.

I’ll leave you on a good note. Special teams were featured again and Ty Bitancurt was sharp.