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Clemson will do things a little differently

WVU arrives in Florida Dec. 29 and will practice five times there before the Orange Bowl as Coach Dana Holgorsen tries to make sure he has his players peaking at kickoff. “Once you get down there, it is a reward and you want them to enjoy it and you don’t want to do so much that they’re tired and worn out and are ready to go home. It’s a tricky balance,” he said.

The opposition? Dabo Swinney has his own plan and it is not like what the Mountaineers will do.

Clemson does not officially report to its team hotel for the Orange Bowl until Dec. 29, but Swinney said the team will arrive three days prior to check-in and hold three intense days of practices, what the Clemson coach dubbed a sort of ‘mini-camp.’ Swinney said most players will be on a team charter flight to Miami.