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The man circled is not Jorge Wright, but the umpire Friday night, Richard Feeney, who actually did make the right call when he threw his penalty flag at Wright for the illegal block. Even Wright admitted as much.

“He said he slipped,” Holgorsen said. “It’s a penalty. You can’t deliberately try to take their knees out. You can go low, but you can’t go below the waist. He shot down low and said he did it. He made a mistake.”

Holgorsen wasn’t so convinced when he was briefed on the sideline by the linesman, Kavin McGrath. He explained the call to Holgorsen and Holgorsen replied — and  I’m paraphrasing — that he hadn’t seen that called in 15 football years. Well, it’s happening more and more this season and in this league.

I was pretty surprised when it was called Friday and then when it came up in a conversation with Someone some time after. The reply to me made it make more sense: It’s become a point of emphasis because USF has been doing it this season — and, presumably, opponents have expressed their disapproval to the Big East to the point the officials have been instructed to watch for it. Something to keep an eye on tomorrow night.