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Feigt and Spain will start Thursday

WVU’s late-season changes continue as Dana Holgorsen said Monday his team will have new starters at right tackle and right guard — and I hope you appreciate how unusual that is from Dana. He just doesn’t say stuff like this at the beginning of the week, yet he said Curtis Feigt and Quinton Spain will start at USF, which is No. 2 nationally in sacks and tackles for a loss.

So if you’re keeping score, here’s what’s changed since kickoff Friday: New starter at cornerback, new punter, new punt returner, new starters at right guard and right tackle and a new way to win a game. The Mountaineers completely reorganized their game play in the second half against Pitt, even with two changes on the line, and won.

“They were pinning their ears back and we couldn’t block them so we had to do some things to take some pressure off,” Holgorsen said. “In the second half, we probably threw one or two natural drop-back passes, which is incredibly discouraging. That means we’re not doing 60 percent of our offense based on the fact we couldn’t block them.”