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Your weekly Bob Huggins speech!

Bob Huggins had some wonderful wizardry this morning when he managed to steal headlines from the Backyard Brawl. Get ready to read a lot tomorrow about your men’s basketball coach again questioning the fan culture at WVU and even admitting it hasn’t caught on as fast as he thought it would.

What you might not read, yet what I think is fit for print, is that Huggins also figured out what is wrong with America. He was, for some reason, asked about coaching salaries and then tasked to connect that with the rise in football ticket prices from $2.50 to $78. He pulled it off and then gave you this:

“Back when you’re talking about, coaches had tenure. So they didn’t get fired. They may have not coached, but they always had a job because they were tenured. You ask a majority of the coaches, they’d rather be tenured than get fired after three or four years. You give up one thing to get something else. But that’s America.

“The truth of the matter is in America, it’s supposed to be a free enterprise system and people are supposed to get paid for what they do. The problem is we’re paying them for what they don’t do. That’s the truth. That’s why we’re in the shape we’re in. We’re paying so many people to do nothing.”

As for the headline-robbed Dana Holgorsen, he said stuff at his press conference today about the game against Pitt and his relationship with Todd Graham. I give you videos after the jump.