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Bob Huggins is concerned about ball security

The WVU men’s basketball coach was a little insipid after Tuesday’s loss — 38 turnovers for 37 points the other way in two games will do that to you — before he got really inspirational. I’m ready to run through a basket support right now. You with me?

Press this and then read this:

“Basketball has been my life. I grew up in a gym, grew up with my father. I was in a gym since when I probably couldn’t even walk. It’s been very, very good to me and to me, if you come try to steal my ball, I’ll bust you in the mouth. You’re not going to take my ball. That ball’s been too good to me. To walk into my house and to try to take my ball? That ain’t going to go very well.

“What I try to explain to them is that ball has got you this far. It’s got you a free education, like it did me, and it can take you further if you take advantage of the opportunities that are going to be presented to you because you’ve got that ball. Why do you want to let somebody come in and take it from you? I don’t want anybody taking my ball.”