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Louisville’s perfect storm on the field goal block

Watch Adrian Bushell time his move and blow right by insouciant Ricky Kovatch and then watch how perfect the bounce is to Andrew Johnson. Hard to beat that play.

“It was more of them making a play than anything. The kid played with tremendous effort – he cornered, jumped, got it, took one bounce and landed in the lap of the other guy. Operation time was probably a little slow and then our right wing probably could have gotten a better punch but that stuff happens fast. You’re talking right around 1.2 seconds of football. I give their kid credit for making that play. We had opportunities to make that same play, and we didn’t.”

Also, back to the live game blog and the handful of times Tyler Urban was open.

2:08: Ty Urban is visibly upset. He was open twice on that possession. Ty Bitancurt is visibly upset, too, after a missed 32-yard field goal. I’m serious, teams that are bad on special teams are usually bad in other areas. WVU doesn’t have that same label, but teams that are bad in special teams usually don’t  improve. WVU has that label. Bitancurt has now missed two extra points and a field goal since he was named a Groza semifinalist.

This is the play right before Bitancurt’s first miss. By the way, Bitancurt has always spoken to the media, no matter the conditions preceding the request. He did not Saturday. Got to get that kid right the rest of the way.