The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

The Friday Feedback …

… will not be seen at this time. Internet issues at the house last night. Might have had something to do with throwing the router across the room. Not sure. I’ve got an early flight to Newark today, so there’s no time in the morning.

Then again, I don’t feel too bad. It occurred to me as I sat there stewing that about 80 percent of the week is moot. The second half of this week was devoted to the  Big 12 story and just about all of that was dedicated to the joining and then the wait-this-might-not-happen wrinkle. And I’m writing this this morning a little unnerved by some stuff (more detailed than anything) I heard last night.

Proof once again that everything happens at night, late Thursday the SEC “accidentally” announced Missouri’s membership — creative viral marketing, I wonder — about an hour after I was told WVU “should” know its fate today. Only educated guesses from me, but I just can’t see this falling completely apart for Luck and Clements. Not with the political rhetoric ramped up as it was yesterday.

Still I wonder, what if, for example, I did the F Double and by the time I landed in Newark this afternoon WVU is in the Big 12. Again. I really think this ends soon, but if it ends Tuesday, and the nightmare ends on Halloween, I’ll accept that symmetry. In any event, this is chaotic and it gets more bizarre the longer it goes on for everyone involved.

As a consolation, I offer you two things. First, a picture of the new baskets at the Coliseum. They made an order for the practice facility and said, “What the hey, it’s a good deal. Let’s get two for the games, too.” These, I’m told, are NBA style.

Lastly, how about Sen. Rockefeller exposing some true and heretofore thinly confirmed details?

“Frankly, made-up worries from the Big 12 about our airports are ridiculous,” Rockefeller said in the statement. “The Big 12 already made a decision in WVU’s favor with a full grasp of the details, including about our runways.

“Suddenly, Morgantown’s airport is a problem? I don’t buy it.”

Morgantown’s airport situation is similar to that of Lawrence, Kan., and Ames, Iowa, but this airport stuff does seem like complete nonsense. There’s no way everyone who needed to know about it beforehand wasn’t aware of it Tuesday night. And if that’s the case …