The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Grab a bottle of water!

Dana Holgorsen’s press conference is at 1 p.m. and I wonder if he’ll highlight the verve with which Syracuse played on that telling extra point in 2009.

Meantime, crack that bottle and take a trip inside the film room with Jake Spavital, Geno Smith and Paul Millard.

Spavital said he got lucky when he inherited Smith. He is confident and he is a handful for his coaches and Smith’s personality is prone to competitive occurrences, but he’s also controlled and coordinated. Underneath that determination, Smith is actually deeply invested and interested in reviews.

“You learn to challenge them in different ways,” Spavital said. “He’s a competitive guy, but he’s pretty smart as well. He understands what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. The good thing for us is we have an open room. Everyone rags on everyone. It stays in that room, but it’s pretty funny.”