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Big East statement says stuff

Here’s what came out of the presidential meeting that ended around 3 o’clock this afternoon.

The Presidents voted unanimously to authorize the Commissioner to aggressively pursue discussions with a select number of institutions that have indicated a strong interest in joining the BIG EAST Conference.  The Presidents are also actively considering changes to the Conference’s governing bylaws to further solidify the membership of the Conference.

The obvious thing, to me, at least, is the use of the word unanimous and then the absence of the word unanimous later.

If you’re involved in this thing right now, even if you have one foot out the door, or if you have your eyes on the door, you have to vote to “aggressively pursue” addition. You can’t be that school. Bad form.

Additionally, you’ll remember last week there was talk of increasing the exit fee, but it wasn’t really given much mind. I’d have to think it came up again today — hence “changes to the Conference’s governing bylaws to further solidify the membership” — and the presidents didn’t unanimously agree, but nevertheless are “actively” considering it — whatever that means and whoever it involves.

Hypothetically, a majority of the presidents might be in favor of it, but a number of presidents could be against it and could still walk away from this.

At the worst, it’s a smoke signal to schools on the outside looking in today. The Big East will pursue and will consider solidarity.