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I have the distinct feeling everyone is freaking out over the conference expansion stuff. I’m working on it. Honest. Understand it’s very fluid and very volatile … like whitewater rapids. There are far, far more questions than there are answers. There are questions you have that just cannot be answered and where there are answers, you might not like those answers.

Let’s contain the meltdown. Throw all your questions, comments and concerns here and I’ll be back later with what I gather. I can tell you right now the people I’ve talked to are deeply concerned and worried.

– This letter from UConn’s president — who, by the way, is absolutely not afraid to do something significant — is not encouraging if you are a fan of the Big East and a believe in its future.

UConn is a proud charter member of the BIG EAST and we have taken a lead role in the league’s success over the years.  However, it is my responsibility as President that we stay in constant communication and be actively involved in discussions with our counterparts from around the country to ensure the successful long-term future of our university’s athletic program.  The truth is that our teams will play competitive athletics at the highest level of excellence, wherever things land, and our central goals will be academic success and compliance, always.

I read it this way: Everyone is mad at Mark Nordenberg, the Pitt chancellor, for doing this without warning. Susan Herbst kind of warned everyone right there.

– It looks like Texas will go to the Pac-12, which means the supposed ACC dream of adding Texas isn’t true. The ACC is big on even revenue sharing, which always made me thing Texas, with its Longhorn Network, would not work. That leads to this …

– The most common conclusion I’ve received from people has the ACC nabbing UConn and Rutgers and locking up the entire Eastern seaboard. The SEC then takes Missouri and puts a new footprint in the Midwest.

– No one I’ve talked to thinks the SEC is legitimately interested in WVU and some believe the rumor about interest a while back was a leverage ploy. If true, it may work: If the Big East is to react by grabbing Big XII teams, then Missouri may very well make the move to the SEC.

– There’s a strong hint the Big East will move to add Kansas State and then explore the addition of Iowa State. Those are the low-hanging fruits. They’ll jump. If they do and if Texas and/or Oklahoma heads West, then the Big East has an easier time talking others  into joining.

– There is virtually no concern over the future of Big East basketball. People seem to think the football schools currently in the league will find/get/have a way to play the non-football schools in basketball.

– I’ve received a lot of feedback directing anger and disappointment at Oliver Luck and Jim Clements. I get that, but I honestly don’t know what they were supposed to do. They can be as proactive as they want, but if they knock on every palace door, it doesn’t mean they’re allowed inside. This is worth repeating: Everyone who needs to know about WVU knows about WVU. There’s no need to be proactive or aggressive, to be out there advertising the school and the athletic department. Right now, it looks like some conferences went shopping and either tried on or walked by WVU and didn’t buy. That hurts, I’m sure, but it happens and the two people many want to mad at are just as mad as anyone else, but I’m not sure they could have prevented what seems to have been out of their control.

– I’m not sure Pitt and WVU will be playing one another in the future. Remember, the league was close to signing a television contract and stopped short and decided to wait and trust a better offer would come along. There is a very strong and polarizing opinion that Pitt encouraged that decision. And now Pitt is gone.

– Pitt is already battling that allegation — and this doesn’t include the other common belief Pitt was one of a few schools that stonewalled Villanova. Purpose? Well, it may be inaccurate. That’s one. But this may also end up in court. Don’t be surprised at all if the Big East and/or members files a lawsuit seeking damages. There’s a case to be considered and, if nothing else, Baylor put that out on the table.

– The Big Twahetever is really, really, rrrrrreallllly quiet right now.

– For the record, WVU’s leadership is silent right now. Straight to voicemail. All of them.

– Looks like Pitt wasn’t the only voice speaking against agreeing to the TV deal. Might be unfair to say it was only the Panthers.

– As for WVU and the SEC, one thing we have to understand is this changes so fast it may pop up as a possibility. Missouri and the Big Ten have danced before and it stands to reason the Tigers would like that arrangement. Say that happens, or that that school resists the SEC invite. WVU is then very eligible. It’s silly to say anything is out of the realm of possibility.

– Look at all the conferences adding teams and look at the teams being added — Utah, Colorado, Texas A&M, Syracuse, Pitt. None of these are “threats” to existing members in the conferences. The Big East really added the one “threat” with TCU. Might this component be standing in the way of WVU to the ACC or SEC? Worth considering.

– Dana Holgorsen is playing it cool: “My total focus on the preparations for LSU.  I have complete faith in President Clements, Athletic Director Oliver Luck and our campus leadership to do what ever is in the best interest of WVU.”

– Just to be clear here, I’m not giving my opinion on anything  here. I’m just relaying what people are telling me. In truth, I don’t have much of a feel for things right now. Things are all over the place and, as such, you’re bound to get a variety of reports.

– It appears WVU is mobilizing and and readying to make some moves moves. Not sure in what direction, but I don’t think it takes much imagination. And it explains stereo silence. Can’t say a whole lot more right now for myriad reasons.

– WVU has been on the phones all day and has spoken to everyone and all conferences. What I gather is the majority opinion is, in order: to get into the ACC, get in the SEC, remain in the Big East/Big XII conglomerate.

– Oliver Luck has issued a statement, and if I’m going to read between the lines written by Susan Herbst, then I must treat Mr. Luck the same. Look at all the things he said, but never really said, right here:

“There is no question that the landscape of college athletics is once again changing. West Virginia University has great tradition as the state’s flagship land-grant institution, and we will continue working to do what’s best for our University and its athletic teams. No matter how the college athletic landscape changes, there is no doubt WVU is and will remain a national player.”

I’m getting a feeling WVU is up to something.

– Yes, I know Colin has tweeted something about WVU applying to the SEC. I haven’t heard that from anyone I’ve been on the phone with today — and that doesn’t mean a thing. To be honest, an application may not mean a thing. Remember, the ACC said 10 schools applied. It took two and might — might — take two more. You can’t get in unless you apply.

– Since no one can/will tell me it’s true, or that they know anything about it, either the WVU-applies-to-the-SEC thing is wrong or a super secret. I’d put it at 50-50. Either scenario is completely and evenly possible. WVU can’t let anything out of the bag.

– Feeling persists UConn and Rutgers are next to the ACC, but there’s a new hope among the WVU camp maybe the Big Twhatever leans on Rutgers. The ACC would still take UConn (to pair with B.C.) and then could, in theory, invite. WVU. Rutgers AD Tim Pernetti is about as non-committal as possible. He declined to comment on applying to ACC.

– And now we’re at the point where people are returning calls and making calls and not really more informed or more able to say anything than they were before. That’s fine. Very normal. But right now, what I’m getting is Big East people are profoundly pissed the ACC had the nerve to suggest it might play games at Madison Square Garden.

– You can probably take a break right now, or sometime soon, for a little bit. My rule of thumb: Everything happens at night. All the dinners and cocktail appointments are over. Spouses and kids are in bed. Email has been checked. Newspapers are out to print. Whatever the case, people feel more free to speak at night.

– Just filed my story on what’s happened and what happens next. Click …. here.

– Want to root for someone in this game? Consider the Big Ten. If they can pull Missouri and/or Rutgers then the SEC and/or ACC has an opening.

– Hey, late news! WVU now accepts — or, if it accepted long ago, divulges — the idea the ACC is NOT a possibility. I would imagine this means a strong push has been made toward the SEC goal. When I ask, the reply is ”               .”

– Outside of WVU, opinion remains Missouri is SEC No. 14 and ACC takes Rutgers and UConn next — and that is if they can be pried from Big East … which, apparently, remains an “if.” Still, WVU would have to be Nos 15 or 16 in SEC of ready for a Big East/Big XII mash.