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Rich Rodriguez returning to a stadium in W.Va. soon

Will he be back on a sideline soon, too? He tells Jack Bogaczyk he hopes that the case.

“It’s different,” said Rodriguez, who went 15-22 at Michigan and endured NCAA sanctions in his program after leaving his home state school in a fashion that riled a populace. “I’m doing a lot more traveling now, a lot of airports, getting those frequent flyer miles.

“The network’s been great, and it’s an opportunity for a second career. They know I still want to coach, but they were interested and I decided to do it … but I’m still hoping that an opportunity for me will open in December when schools start looking around.”

By the way, Rich Rodriguez is 48 years old, which kind of surprised me. Out of sight, out of mind, I suppose, but that just knocked me back for a moment. And so did this …

Reminded of his previous trip to Edwards Stadium, as a villain WVU coach in 2007, I asked whether he expected a warmer reception this time. Rodriguez laughed and said, “Gosh, I’d hope so. I’ll be there a couple days early to talk with Doc (Holliday) and his staff. Do you think I can kind of sneak in?”