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Beer sales: Week Two, two weeks and a season pace

Here are the figures from WVU for the beer and concession sales at the Norfolk State game:

$120,797 gross in beer sales
$56,979.72 net to athletic department from beer sales
16,939 units of beer sold
12 kegs used
53 individuals signed up for the designated driver program
6,812 souvenir cups of soda were sold
7,613 bottles of water
7,271 units of frozen lemonade
$217,839 gross in concession sales for game two which does NOT include beer sales.

Thank goodness … 12 kegs! Up two from last week! Obviously, this is  not near the Week One numbers and that has everything to do with difference in the crowd and the opponent. I’m guessing Week Four/Game Three will blow away the Marshall numbers.

Through two games, WVU has sold 22 kegs of beer, 38,750 bottles and netted $132760.83. For now — and, again, this absolutely will change, especially after the LSU game — the season pace is 77 kegs, 135,625 bottles and $464,442.90 net revenue.