The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Oliver Luck throws legal precedent in your face

WVU’s athletic director addressed the 500-pound gorilla that’s been standing in the corner for more than a week now. Understand university people were deeply embarrassed by the “West F###### Virginia” shirt that made it on television in the Marshall game and then privately plotted its response … and that was if one was even possible.

Luck made his move Monday with a letter to the public asking the people to police themselves. Clever move since Luck admitted there isn’t much WVU can do to police its crowd.

I would like to ask you to help me convince people who are wearing these t-shirts to reconsider their choice of attire. I recognize that the First Amendment protects free speech, and as a lawyer, I am more than familiar with the decision of the United States Supreme Court in the landmark 1971 case, Cohen vs. California, which is the law of the land regarding public institutions (like WVU) and protected speech. But as my dad used to tell me, ‘just because it is legal does not mean it is right.’ And I certainly believe that people wearing these offending t-shirts at Mountaineer games, or anywhere else, for that matter, are damaging the reputation of our state and its flagship institution of higher learning.