The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Jot this down, pass it around …

Beer sales at Sunday’s football game grossed $160,656 and netted $75,781.113 for the University. Sodexo sold 21,811 bottles of beer and used 10 kegs of draft beer … which seems unbecoming of a school with a reputation like WVU’s. Really, 10 kegs? That’s all? I feel like that should be the headline. “This just into ESPN: Unruly WVU fans consumed just 10 kegs of beer Sunday …”

Nevertheless, 79 people got free sodas for signing up as designated drivers and six alcohol awareness teams members monitored Sodexo activities throughout the game

Sodas were sold in 8,999 souvenir cups and 2,906 bottles while 18,803 bottles of water were sold. Frozen lemonade was popular, as usual, with 8,908 cups sold.

Concessions and catering — ie, not beer — grossed $548,000 gross. That’s a record. Again, that was separate from beer, but you can safely assume people were buying pretzels and hot dogs and other items because they were buying a beer or two.