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Texts from Marshall Game Day

Not much more to say about last night’s weather and the football game. Players and coaches and pretty much everyone somehow  involved in that seven-hour production were pretty weary by the end of it. Hard to blame anyone for anything — though I knew one would try … and he did. You have to go to great lengths to try and fit that game in and you have you have to expect one team is going to want to get it over with and one side is going to play until the end.

Marshall — the latter of the aforementioned, by the way — could only ask for or endure so much. The Herd had the visitor’s accommodations, which were far less comfortable than WVU’s. The players and coaches and support staff went hours and hours without eating. Their time wasn’t passed quite as easily as was WVU’s. The Mountaineers maybe weren’t as willing to wait, but they were able to. They had the luxurious locker room and televisions and an Xbox and a pool table and even small things like coffee tables so they players could play cards. Bruce Irvin could fit in a workout and other nicked and dinged players could go to the trainer’s room. Food was one flight of stairs away and WVU could go cobble together some sort of a snack to keep its people happy.

In the end, Marshall had to weigh the risks and the rewards of going on while down three touchdowns with a conference game waiting on Saturday. Asking your team to play for eight or nine or 10 hours — who knows, really? — and to warm up five or six times take a big-time toll. Then travel four-plus hours back home and expect everyone to pick things up as if they were normal the following day. A short week becomes shorter. The Mountaineers were cramped, to be sure. Ideally, the coaches would have done a bunch of work after the game was played and ended under normal circumstances. That work had to wait, but WVU is also are playing a FCS team and can get away with a long opening day, an off day Monday and then two days of prep for Norfolk State.

Other than that, very ordinary opener. Special teams miscues. Shoddy tackling. Clear speed-of-the-game issues. Injuries. Talent prevailing. Just brief brush strokes of the offense: The line remains concerning, but WVU rotated quite a bit. Holgorsen and Robert Gillespie will need time to sort out an order at running back, but Vernard Roberts did OK after his debut on fourth-and-1. The passing game does things I’d forgotten a college offense could do. Geno Smith could have special numbers. And all of that overshadows the defense, which allowed 187 yards and two field goals, even with the ball inside the 10-yard line. Jeff Casteel is a pretty good coach, yes?

I invented swag. Poppin’ bottles, puttin’ supermodels in the cab — proof. I guess I got my texts back — truth.

My edits are in [brackets].

(12:54 PM):
Unable to make it to Morgantown today due to wife being 4 days past her due date…BUT it is gameday, beers will be drank. Gotta set an example for the little fella.

(1:23 PM):
Holgorson in a suit! Just introduced a band AND adressed the bluelot crowd. Amazing.

(2:28 PM):
Remind me to tell u Bout Bob peeing on his girlfriend.

(3:31 PM):
Travon Van better hope Bruce didnt see him jump on the logo.

(3:40 PM):
I’m so glad ESPN has decided to stick with this blowout between bethune cookman and prarie view.

(3:42 PM):
Yay Marshall. You put your freshman qb in the shotgun on 4 th down. Really?

(3:46 PM):
Ask me about kickoffs. Kickoffs. Wasted first week of practice?!

(3:46 PM):
ESPN cut to 2 dudes in the stands….one was wearing a west [freakin] Virginia tshirt. The shot lingered for a tad too long lol

(3:56 PM):
Ppl are booing and asking for Jeff mullen’s head. Really. And stuff.

(3:58 PM):
Guy behind me “Run it up Tue middle! Power offense!” What the H?

(4:08 PM):
Dear Oliver Luck, you got ripped off by the guys who were going to wire the stadium for better cell service. (Trying to send for 15 mins)

(4:10 PM):
Terrible first quarter. Awful.

(4:14 PM):
Dear Oliver Luck, you got ripped off by the guys who were going to wire the stadium for better cell service. (Trying to send for 30 mins)

(4:17 PM):
Passing is what we hired this guy for. Do what u do.

(4:18 PM):
I think this offense is coming together. I love the 3 back formation. Nice to see i-mac get first TD of year.

(4:28 PM):
Al Marshall hatred aside; their front 4 is pretty damn good

(4:29 PM):
How can I say it…? This running game sucks.

(4:32 PM):
Cue yackety sax.

(4:33 PM):
Where are my style points?

(4:33 PM):
Dear Oliver Luck, you got ripped off by the guys who were going to wire the stadium for better cell service. (Trying to send for 40 mins)

(4:38 PM):
I’m afraid Buie just doesn’t have it today

(4:39 PM):

(4:40 PM):
Geno looks really good today. Buying time, making tough throws. He’s gonna thrive in this offense once all the kinks get worked out.

(4:54 PM):
Man Holgorsen is definitely a hands off defensive coach. He’s at least 40 yards off the line of scrimmage

(5:08 PM):
WVU bingo: coal. Check. Booze gate. Check. Asking Luck about HCIW. Check. RichRod. Check. Country roads. Check.

(5:14 PM:)
75% of fans overheard saying this – “Our band plays a halftime show?” #nopassouts

(5:29 PM):
Apparently there is lightning 12 miles away. I’ve nvr been evacuated from mtneer field and don’t intend to be today.

(5:35 PM):
And the thunder rolls.

(5:36 PM):
Kovach totally [fouled] up the 4th down

(5:40 PM):
Casey Vance should take up tennis.

(5:40 PM):
All american keith tandy!

(5:46 PM):

(5:47 PM):
100 yd return…..epic

(5:47 PM):

(5:48 PM):
Tavon Mutha F-ing Austin!!!!!!!!!

(5:51 PM):
Find it very curious they killed play just after a HUGE wvu touchdown.

(5:52 PM):
Mother Nature is a [harlot]

(5:58 PM):
Ask me about lightning

(7:39 PM):
2 hours later….mother nature? Yup, still a [harlot].

(8:59 PM):
Ivan McCartney is gonna turn into the stud everyone hoped he’d be because of this offense.

(9:01 PM):
Via Everyday Should Be Saturday twitter; “The popular serial “Marshall vs. West Virginia vs. Bill Stewart’s Lightnin’ Machine” is back on ESPN.”

(9:08 PM):

(9:09 PM):
Apparently everytime we score, God throws out a bolt of lightning

(9:15 PM):
I’m watching on tv. They need to call it. Showed Doc and Hamrick talking and Doc said he just can’t tell his kids he isn’t going to give them a chance.

(9:15 PM):
Marshall being stupid about this at this point.

(9:24 PM):
Someone please tell Hamrick (and his 300 lb son) that there is no shame in calling it after 8 hours of this.

(9:33 PM):
This game is a metaphor for the Friends of Coal bowl- it just won’t end!

(10:06 PM):
This is a [fantastic] joke. Marshall won’t say “forfeit”. Everybody looks bad in this.