The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

And the winner is …

Join me for Ask Me About Stuff (Anything) at 11a.m. tomorrow. Here is your link.

You can drop your questions in the queue ahead of time, so long as the window remains open. Never fear: I’ll open it again before we begin. If you must, toss questions in the comment section here and I’ll try to include them.

As for the name, I can’t thank you enough for the many, many suggestions. A lot of people had a lot of laughs. This title is not permanent and we’ll pick a new one every week as can. Perhaps we’ll pull from the original list. Perhaps we’ll be inspired by something someone says. It’s going to be like naming game captains, I suppose. This one, however, was just too good to ignore for such a special edition.