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Oliver Luck continues to cripple local businesses!

How dare the athletic director? Who does this swashbuckler think he is? The critics were right. The platitudes were on point. This is really getting out of hand.

Last week we learned Sodexo, WVU’s longtime concessionaire, selected Morgantown Brewing Company to provide craft beer at home football games. Today we learned Sodexo has placed an order for 50 kegs for the first home game. Fifty! That’s 25 kegs each of delicious Zack Morgan IPA (6.7% ABV) and palatable Old Morgantown Pale Ale (5.8).

Poor Art Gallagher, the part owner of the brewery that’s barely two years old and has never had an opportunity like this, but probably got into business to do good business. Still, he’d never had a single order as large. And now he’s going to get six others and, who knows, but they may get larger. Not only that, but the unfortunate entrepreneur may have to diversify and offer additional brews and thus spread the word about the variety at his brewery, which, at present, touches Morgantown and parts of Elkins and Canaan Valley.

It’s just so unfair to that local merchant. I mean, what if this takes off? What if Mr. Gallagher stands to gain and grow from this? He’s already had to purchase larger fermenters and additional kegs so he can keep up with his ordinary operation and honor his commitment to Sodexho … and maybe even expand. Mr. Luck better be careful about the way he’s treating the local economy. He’s really threatening to benefit  the Morgantown Brewing Company.

(P.S. Anheuser-Busch will sell Bud, But Light and Michelob Ultra. MillerCoors couldn’t be there, but my sources say they’ll provide Coors Lite, Miller Lite and, if you’re lucky, Olde English 800 and Magnum.)