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Do not suggest Shaq Rowell is spoiled

For one, he’s 6-foot-4 and, depending on when you catch him, a little over or a little under 310 pounds. And I’ve seen the kid move — he’s impressive. Good burst, nice balance. He would catch you, I’m certain.

But above all else, Rowell, who signed to play for The Ohio State in 2008, only to find out he didn’t make the grade and would have to do 18 months in a junior college, used to think Division I guys were spoiled. That’s a little of what helped get him here today, where he’s one of the three guys who could play nose guard for the Mountaineers, though he’s also played a little defensive end in camp, too … which is intriguing.

Now that he’s among the free cleats and gloves, the top-shelf strength and conditioning programs, the buffet style meals for which he never has to pay, Rowell has changed his tune ever so slightly, but not the tone.

“They coach you here on technique,” Rowell said. “In junior college, you pretty much play on your own strength. Up here, they tell you exactly what to do and how to execute the plays. In junior college, they might tell you a couple things, but it’s mostly on you.”

Kirelawich likes a guy who can handle himself and take on the double-teams that are a constant for the nose guard. He trusts and prefers those with the mental drive to make it happen.

“I had to go to junior college in order to get where I’m at now, so I don’t think I’m spoiled at all,” Rowell said. “These guys earned their way up here, too. They’re really not spoiled. That was the perspective I had before. I just think junior college just makes you want to play football more.”

Oh, and, yes, Jabarie Hinds was cleared by the NCAA Eligibility Center last night and the candlelight vigil at the Coliseum dissipated. I thought the earthquake and Irene were sufficient signs it was happening. Thank you for delivering the news in the blog.

I may have posted that last night with my cell phone and it may not have worked. I may not have discovered that until this morning and I may have said a few things not fit for print here. Maybe.

Dana Holgorsen press conference at 11 a.m. Notes and  news to follow … that is, unless you don’t get to it first. (Northside advertisement on the WVi link … discuss).