The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Y’Lou feel good about Devon Brown this season?

Maybe you like the fact he’s caught a lot of passes in college football and is now playing for a college football team that’s going to throw a lot of passes. Perhaps you appreciate the value of depth he provides the return game, where he can return kickoffs and punts and cover both. It’s possible you even like the Ryan Mundy-like potential of mature kid who understands this his last shot and who wants to make the most of it.

As for me, I like the kid because he’s fond of Manassas, he’s pursuing a master’s in journalism and he told me a secret about his nickname.

“There are two stories, actually,” Brown said. “It came from my uncle before I was ever born. He said, ‘He’s going to be different. He needs a different name.’ “

That’s one story. The other?

“I don’t even tell the other one. Actually, I’ve never told this to anybody,” Brown said. “My grandma just told me the story last year sometime. My mom was pretty young when she had me.

“My uncle would joke with her and say, ‘How are you going to have a son right now when you can barely speak English correctly? He’s going to ask you how to do something and you’re not going to be able to tell him the correct way. He’s going to be like, ‘Mommy, wahlou do this? Wahlou do that?’ Instead of saying, ‘Why do you …’ he thought I’d say, ‘Wahlou…’ “

Latasha Brown has done just fine ever since. Her son is determined and accomplished and doesn’t let obstacles remain in his way.