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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which is with the first-team today even though nothing is settled. Today and tomorrow are big days for your football team. WVU will go over a lot of plays and situations and even get into a scrimmage type thing tomorrow. Not a scrimmage! The idea is to get a bunch more on film as camp breaks. Classes start Monday and the time for meetings and watching tape and even practicing diminishes. Dana Holgorsen and his staff will begin to make decisions soon and this weekend’s last impression is the first impression for the two weeks that precede the season-opener.

“There are some guys that have started to separate themselves the more they play, but you also realize that guys have bad days,” Holgorsen said. “Ryan Clarke has really come on. Talk about a guy who had a few bad days early on. The lights came on with him. He’s loving his role and playing hard. That stuff happens. You never know at what point of camp it will, but it happens. You’d like everything to happen right now so we could determine our two-deep and know how many reps the 1s will get and how many the 2s will get, but the more you practice, the more that changes.”

Holgorsen said Thursday Tyler Bitancurt is the team’s placekicker and Corey Smith is the punter — and the kickoff specialist could be one of those two, or a walk-on who arrives Monday. Those are only depth chart decision that have been settled with an announcement, though I think we can make strong presumptions about others: Geno at QB, Matt Lindamood at the B Back, Don Barclay at left tackle, Jeff Braun at left guard, Joe Madsen at center and Tyler Rader at right guard, Tyler Urban at one inside receiver and Tavon Austin at the other inside receiver — and Holgorsen said maybe the funnest battle to follow has been Ryan Nehlen v. Sticks McCartney at one outside spot.

Defensively, it’s far less certain because Jeff Casteel is nonplussed (and check out Steve Dunlap’s historical precedent to make a point, in case that’s needed). Still, more strong presumptions can be made about Bruce Irvin at defensive end, Julian Miller at defensive tackle, Keith Tandy at one cornerback spot, Terence Garvin at strong safety and Eain Smith at free safety.

Linebacker is a bit of a puzzle, but Najee Goode is still in the middle and we keep hearing good things about Doug Rigg on the strong side. I get the feeling if Casteel could somehow combine Casey Vance and Josh Francis, he’d have an ideal weak side linebacker. Darwin Cook had a good look at bandit safety before missing a week, but he’s back and back battling true freshman Shaq Petteway, who most thought would be a linebacker, but has been a real nice surprise at bandit.

They start filling in blanks and straightening out question marks today.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, don’t get pinched.

hershy112 said:

When did you get a banner for your blog Mike? Have I just been missing this?

I’d never seen it before you mentioned it, but … yikes. I hate that picture. We were taking head shots on my first day in Charleston and the sun was shining right in my face. Photographer goes, “We won’t use that one.” Naturally …

pushthebutton said:

You weep for Bill Stewart and you curse Oliver Luck.  You have that luxury.

Stewart’s exit, while tragic, probably saved games.

Josh24601 said:

Son, we run an offense where men carry the ball. And those backs have to pick up blitzes and catch passes. Who’s gonna do it? You? [sneer] You, Lt. Casazza? [/sneer]

/Blank stare

pknocker40 said:

Casazza: “Did you order the Code Red Bull?!?!”

Holgorsen: “You’re G-D%@# right I did!!!”

/Stunned stare

SheikYbuti said:

P-Rod is dead, and that is a tragedy. But he is dead because he had no code. He is dead because he had no honor. And God was watching.

And we’ll steer this back onto the road.

Josh24601 said:

That young man is fresh from visiting at least three of the nine bars in town.

One of my biggest professional regrets is not getting the go-ahead to go to Midvale for a story just before the Final Four. I was convinced then, and I am now, it would have been the story of my career: “In Search of One Stoplight, Nine Bars and the Truck With No Rear View Mirror.”

Drew said:

Come on, Mike. Of course he can’t pull it back. He can only go forward.

Ding ding!

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:


Are you hearing ANYTHING with respect to a split from the BB only schools within the Big East? I know there has been some discussion about it in the not so distant past, but things seem to be heating up again. I wonder where President Clements and Mr. Luck stand on the issue of a split between BB only and the football schools.

I have full faith in these gentleman to guide WVU into the future – where ever that may be!

Plenty, yes, but everyone must understand this: There are ideas covering many, many scenarios. Just because people have discussed it and perhaps even gone so far as to organize it, that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. It just means if one thing happens, everyone is already debriefed on what might happen next. The split certainly falls into that as a part of a lot of possible outcomes.

oklahomamountaineer said:

I’m going waaaaay out on a limb here, but tell me if this scenario makes sense. Everyone assumes the BE footballl is the loser in the conference re-alignment, but if SEC goes VT, FSU, and Clemson, who says BE football is the loser.

Is it beyond the realm of possbility that the BE is the buyer here — we are ready to re-negotiate TV and we need 3 teams (including TCU in the count). It may force a split of the basketball only schools from the mix, but you can look at a set of schools that include UNC, Md, NC St, and BC.

This may sound defeatist, but I agree with Mike — I have no desire to have SEC football membership because, with it, you have the opportunity to become South Carolina or Arkansas. A lot of money, but no chance at reaching that elite status or BCS bowls on a regular basis…..

I think you’re onto something. I also think it’s hard for a lot of people to see WVU does fit the SEC — small market, state school, big fan base, etc. — but isn’t enthused about signing up for the best conference going. It’s probably even harder to accept life in the Big East Conference, in whatever reconstituted form, is perhaps best. I guess it won’t be the Big East, technically, but I guess the point is there are other options besides the ACC and SEC and it’s going to require some creativity to find them or to create them … and the Big East, or whatever it’s to be called, may be better off with the latter. You make your luck, right?

Chris in DC said:

The only way the Big East football conference will survive is to break off from the basketball schools. The basketball side is strong enough to miss the loss of the catholic schools. Everyone has to be on the same page in order to remail strong. Right now, there are too many teams with different motivations.

The Big12/Big East alignment could work. I have my doubts that OU, OKSt or Texas will be apart of it though. I would think OU, OKSt, and some other leftovers head to the PAC12. If I were Kansas, I would be worried…

All that being said, if the PAC12, Big10, SEC, and ACC go to 16 teams, I can’t see WVU being left out. If you believe what is written, Ollie has been positioning us for this since he came aboard. Even our former head coach admitted that the ACC and SEC were strong possibilities in a tv interview last summer.

I’d forget what  the former head coach had to say since he was swinging at a pinata and was summarily hushed by his superiors, but we shouldn’t forget the Big East kind of had an arrangement with some Big XII schools last summer, just in case Texas bolted and the roof caved in above everyone else. That’s the contingency stuff we were talking about before. I’d say there’s still a relationship. Texas is the wildcard because it has the ability, the resources and the staying power to go independent, but to also go wherever it wants. Oklahoma apparently wanted nothing to do with the SEC and kind of likes how it is situated right now, but who says OU has to be involved? Take your nine Big East schools and add Kansas, Baylor and Oklahoma State. That’s fine. Swap Oklahoma State for Iowa State or Kansas State, if you’d like. It can work.

Mack said:

I’ve thought of many of the scenarios and I think the best thing for WVU and for WVU fans is to stay in the Big East, as long as the Big East looks at least like it does now. The only way for that to happen would be for the Big East to pick off a few teams and get its numbers up before conferences start calling the Big East teams to jump ship. As it sits now, with nine football schools, almost any Big East team is going to jump ship to the first conference that calls them.

The SEC would be fun but brutal in football and boring in basketball. The ACC would be about the same as the Big East in football and, in my opinion, a slight step down in basketball. The reason it’s a step down, to me, is because I prefer watching the Big East tournament to the ACC tournament… and I prefer watching Georgetown, Syracuse, UConn, Pitt, Villanova, etc., to Duke, UNC, Wake Forest, and Maryland. I prefer the “urban” Big East style of play to the soft ACC style of play. Again, that’s just me.

In a move from the Big East to the ACC, WVU would essentially trading teams that you’ve established a rivalry with for teams that are of similar caliber but without the same head-to-head history.

If the Big East added Maryland, Boston College, and anyone else… I think that would be a dream scenario. I have no clue if that’s even feasible, but, to me, that would be the best outcome of anything.

Now, onto fantasyland… the best way for the Big East to get something workable would be to split the basketball conference into two divisions; with the non-football schools in one and the football schools in another. This could preserve the traditional Big East rivalries that schools don’t want to lose (football schools Syracuse/UConn/Pitt versus Villanova/Georgetown/St. John’s) while keeping it together. With this many teams, the Big East needs to trim the fat (DePaul and – though it will never happen – Providence and Seton Hall).

Finally, extend the basketball conference play to get more games to make up a Big East television network… televise every single game… watch the money come pouring in… give some of it to Mike Casazza for doing such a good job… and we’re all happy.

Top to bottom, I have absolutely no problem with any of that.

EIEIO said:

In regards to “Big XII”/Big East Championship game. Why would they do that?? They both are (currently) BCS automatic qualifiers. The only way I see that happening is if they both lose so many members that they merge, or at the very least negotiate TV contracts together.

(Currently) is an important word. We’re assuming there would be some sort of a merger, maybe one larger than another. And two teams can make the BCS from a league.

pknocker40 said:

Holgs should have Belushi-”COLLEGE”-style t-shirts made that simply read “OFFENSE”

Agreed. I mean, he asked for it, right?

Mack said:

I would’ve given anything if he’d said “Spot the ball!”

I really think if he had thought of it, he would have said it.

ffejboc said:


The ability to adapt on the fly and make in-game adjustments to something the opponent does you aren’t expecting?

Talk to me about a certain monumental game in 2007 where we certainly could have used THAT!

Sadly, you’ll have to be more specific.

Michael said:

The Read and React Offense
for Football


R&R Football

Like the Read and React Offense for basketball, it is:

• Easily taught and transferred coach to coach,
coach to player
• Simple enough to be mastered thru repetition.
• Built on habits, not high IQ
• Freedom and excitement for players
• The system would build 12 man coordinations
• Simple enough for kids, Complex enough for
• Better fundamentals= easier to run; likewise;
more you run it = better fundamentals

Doesn’t this sound like Holgorsen schemes transposed to turf?

I’m with you. Here’s what they tell receivers — and instructions come no easier than this: “Find grass.”

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:

I think this is all Dave Johnson’s fault. I feel better now… I saw he got the TE coaching gig at UC. Should be interesting to watch how they perform at that position. That is where his experience was before being the O-Line coach at WVU!

A few things: 1) Butch Jones is awesome. 2) I’m very happy for Dave Johnson, who never deserved what he got. 3) Here is the best sub-plot of the entire summer. There’s quite a QB battle at Morgantown High. In one corner, Mark Johnson. In the other, Blaine Stewart. Yes, it’s them. I trust John Bowers will have the decency to tell the runner-up that he didn’t win the job …

JC said:

Alligators everywhere are upset they have been replaced by T-Rex…..

Ask Colin Dunlap about alligator arms.

rekterx said:

Holgs is really starting to have fun with his pressers. I’m thinking before long he’s going to start passing out Lone Star or Shiner Bock to everyone at the press conferences.

Has to be Anheuser-Busch, MillerCoors or Morgantown Brewing, right? But in all honesty, you better find a way to enjoy these things because if you don’t, they suck the life out of you. I can’t imagine dragging myself unwillingly to a Sunday conference call, a Monday conference call, a Tuesday press conference, calls with opponent/national media Wednesday and then the coach’s show Wednesday night. I’m not even bent about him axing three days of press conferences this week. I mean that.

Dave said:

Mike – we seem to be hearing more detailed information than in the past, but I understand there is a difference in coaching styles, philosophies, etc.

How much is do to a coach not being concerned with what is out there versus some of the “hidden” stuff that was kept in the past?

Holgorsen seems to keep some info in the back, but lets other information out, while Stewart seemed to sugar-coat most things.

Good questions. He doesn’t give up too much about the defense and says he doesn’t know about the defense, which is probably true to a degree. But I think he doesn’t want to speak out of place and wants to defer to Jeff Casteel and whatever secrets he prefers to keep. I honestly don’t think he cares what people know about his offense. It’s out there on film. It does seem to be his wont to avoid discussions about injuries and depth charts, but I think it’s a personal, and perhaps logical preference. Right now, it’s just terribly repetitive. Later, it’s a competitive (dis)advantage. Stewart just never met a conversation he didn’t like — and that’s not a fault. That was just the way he was.

JL said:

“…it just doesn’t go as far.”

I mean, that’s kind of important too, no?


hershy112 said:


I’d rather him kick it straighter and shorter than longer and hook it.

You say that now, but tell me how you feel when he’s stepping off that 44-yarder against LSU.

Jeff in Akron said:

It bothered me last year, we lost two games to fumbles by Clarke and it never seemed to effect his playing time. I remember the Syracuse game in 2005, Colson fumbled the ball and WVU still won, but, you never heard from Colson again.
I have to believe the depth at running back will dwindle more than a little if they fumble a football.

Eveybody talks about Stewart and his press conferences, that’s not what bothered me most about him as a coach. He did not throw Geno under the bus for a bad game against Syracuse, three int’s. Plus, he calls out the defense in another presser for not getting enough turnovers. Then does nothing but talk about how the team is working on reducing fumbles. Let the fumbler watch the game from the sidelines, said player can fumble all they want there and it doen’t cost the team a thing.

Bingo. And it was really unfair to Colson. He was going through a very personal situation at the time. It was the biggest game of his life. He  had a bad day. He didn’t get another day, though I’ll never forget him crossing his feet up and falling as he tried to adjust on a pass in the 2007 Gator Bowl that would have been a sure TD. As for Stewart, all good points, but let me ask you this: Can you give one example of consistent behavior? Punishments for behavior or performance, throwing guys under the bus, critiquing aspects of the game, it all seems very uneven. He had a lot of bizarre press conferences last season, but the one after UConn, when he fingered the defense for not stopping UConn or forcing punts and turnovers, was the most bizarre.

PA’s Finest said:

“It feels good and you don’t want to move away from it.”

Gosh, Mike, have you found your new Jeff Mullen?

I actually thought that was a good sentence. Then again, I haven’t had the air on in my house in like three weeks.

Grumpy said:

All I know is the same guy asked stupid questions every day. Who is that. I mean really they are stupid quesitons. Dana drinks everything he asks a question.

OK, so you noticed it, too? It’s not just me? It’s not just me!

The 25314 said:

Fun Sportsline drinking game…

When Frank Giardina talks about “it’s all local” or the “local angle” to a story take a drink.

When Frank Giardina stops a conversation or interview to ask a trivia question about 1970′s West Virginia high school sports, take a drink.

When Frank Giardina’s voice every drops below the alto range, take a drink. (Don’t worry, this won’t happen.)

Every time Travis Jones says “uh,” take a drink. (Actually, only take one drink for every five “uhs,” we don’t need anyone dying.

Every time Travis Jones speaks in a self righteous, condescending tone, take a drink.

Every time Tony Caridi says, “we’ll be back in two shakes,” take a two drinks.

Is this valid? I might have to listen. For research, of course. Not recreation.

JL said:

“…Frank is decidedly not terrible…”

Agree to disagree?

I guess so. Nice man. Knowledgeable. Non-threatening. Lofty.

glibglub said:

What kind of a drinking game is it where you don’t drink when Frank interrupts a cohost?

Wow, what did I do here?

Lee in Dayton said:

Enough with the water bottle stuff, Mike! Get digging on the story about Spavital driving (designated?) Dana home! Helluva headline: “Driving Coach Dana.” Enquiring minds want to know!

Whatever do you mean? Not sure that ever happened.

JP said:

@Grumpy – it’s not just one person that asks stupid questions. Like, “when the offense and defense are scrimmaging, who are you for?”

OK, so people did notice this. Yes!

H. Caray said:

Hey Dana, is your version of the spread better on a bagel or english muffin?

Simple question!

PA’s Finest said:

How long do you think until Holgorsen picks up on this “Water bottle = stupid question” thinking and starts to do it on purpose? Or, is he already doing it on purpose?

A few of your media buddies better quit asking questions soon or Holgorsen’s going to need bathroom breaks every 7 minutes.

I got three texts last night and then today that I got the water bottle. I disagree, but it’s out there. Not sure if Dana reads this blog, but time will tell. He should play it up if he does … and avoid water bottling me, of course.

pknocker40 said:

Congrats to the U for reminding us all what a REAL SCANDAL looks like – I mean this thing is the Mona Lisa. You have a Napolean-complex, $900+ million ponzi-scheming booster whose psuedonyms shift between “Lil” Luther Campbell and Teddy Dupay; Kellen Soldier Boy Winslow is crashing jet skis into boats; Players receive bounties for injuring Chris Rix (??); Vince Wilfork receieves household appliances; not to mention an appearance from Donna Shalalalalalalala. The list goes on to almost forever but those are just some of my favorites. My only regret is that Craig James isn’t involved (yet).

Absolutely riveting. Other schools have to be reading and enjoying it in one moment and then wondering how their coaches and players have treated friends of the program. This Nevin fella is highly pissed and vindictive and he can’t be the only one in America.

Foul Shot said:

Nice knowing you Tommie McCune.

Nah, not that bad.

JP said:

Even if it is “just” shoplifting, not a good first impression for McCune. He’s a fugitive from justice on a WVU trip to Italy. I bet Huggs had some choice words for the young man.

Fugitive from justice is strong. He may have sewn everything up right after it happened or before he left for Italy. For all we know he took care of it and had a lawyer appear on his behalf. Or it was waived or delayed. Let’s leave the window open for now.

curious said:

I believe missing his hearing would be contempt of court and probably a bad deal. However, being a wvu athlete, he will probably have lots of strings pulled and all charges will be dropped. I am honestly surprised wvu’s blue and yeller athletic department even let this information get out.

If he missed it, yes, it’s trouble. I haven’t seen anything about whether it happened or not. And WVU can’t cover things up when it had no idea it happened. The story broke in a Saginaw newspaper.

Bill said:

Any updates on Jabarie Hinds?

None. Story hasn’t changed in weeks. Looks good.

Homer said:

If you ever wonder why WVU is never in the discussion to join the ACC or Big Ten or any other conference that cares about academic reputation, this official university advertisement including the word “stuff” should be a hint.

I’m not going to go quite as far as you, H, but watch the part where Luck reads the rules. Note Luck’s expression when he sees “stuff” on the list. Subtle, but hilarious. I’ve had a few people tell me in the past 24 hours this list was workshopped for a few weeks now.

Drew said:

I’m a little fuzzy on the whole drinking beer without getting intoxicated concept.

Unless one of these companies sells O’Doul’s?

If you’re a little fuzzy, it ain’t O’Doul’s.

pknocker40 said:

“Intoxicated fans are not allowed inside OR outside of the stadium.” Um, so where do they go? Is there some sort of parallel dimension that exists only to store intoxicated fans in a state of drunken purgatory?

I believe it’s the press box.

hershy112 said:

A free soft drink?!?!?!?! DONE!

I’ll see you around 8:30, OK?

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:


Rumor has it that the offending parties will be pitted against Bill Stewart to determine their level of sobriety. If the offending party can properly operate a headset in a more effecient manner than Mr. Stewart, they will be admitted to the game with a coupon for a free beverage and complimentary sunglasses. Anyone failing the test will be immediately taken into custody and sent to an undisclosed location where they will be forced to watched “cut-ups” of Jeff Mullen’s offense from the past three years.

Enjoy the weekend!