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You do NOT want the water bottle

Caught this by Frank Giardina, in part because Frank is decidedly not terrible and because of the headline. For obvious reasons, I’ve been watching Dana Holgorsen real closely. I just feel like he’s kind of fascinating, in the way that he has my attention at all times, what with the transition, the perception, the reality, the quotes, the philosophies, the fact he’s just a different guy than what we’d grown used to in recent years. It’s fresh air and it feels good and you don’t want to move away from it, if that makes any sense.

And people are catching on quickly. Read the comments any day here and you’ll find someone’s observation about getting more details, feeling like he knows the coach a little better, generally liking the guy, whether that was the expectation or not, so on and so forth. People seem to be identifying with Holgorsen, or identifying things about Holgorsen …

… because there was this comment posted last night by Scouting Report, which I have to assume is an alias since it’s from an email address I found  to be hilarious and a few others would, too:

Why is it that every time there’s a bad question or a question from certain media members during the pressers, Coach Holgorsen goes right to his water bottle? Its like a defense mechanism. He must have been out of water when asked if fumbles were good for the defense or bad for the offense…

Ask me about water bottles and I would have said something similar — and that’s before I got it last night for a silly misunderstanding. I’m not sure of its a tick or a coincidence or thirst or what, but, man, when he seems dismissive, he goes to the water bottle. Maybe it’s nothing, but maybe we just made press conferences more interesting than they already were.