The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Stolen from a reader

While I’m honestly not trying to do this, I am beginning to feel like one of those English or history teachers who takes attendance and then shows a movie. Just that time of the year, I suppose, and other preoccupations, chief among them issues with the Daily Mail laptop, have further slowed things.

And this is why my eyes light up when I get an email with the subject “This could be a fun game…”

Obviously, we’re all anticipating the first practice Friday, the first scrimmage a few days later and ultimately the first game. But what of the first play?

Thanks to dogged research from Seol Man, here are the first offensive plays from scrimmage the past 10 years. I italicized the first season for Rich Rodriguez and Oll Stew since we’re about to enter Dana Holgorsen’s first season:

2010: Geno Smith rush for no gain
2009: Jarrett Brown pass to Wes Lyons for 15 yards
2008: Pat White pass to Noel Devine for five yards
2007: Pat White pass to Darius Reynaud for 13 yards
2006: Pay White rush for nine yards.
2005: Adam Bednarik rush for 13 yards
Rasheed Marshall pass to Brandon Myles for 51 yards
2003: Quincy Wilson rush up the middle for one yard
2002: Avon Cobourne rush up the middle for two yards
2001: Brad Lewis pass to Shawn Terry for five yards

Let’s demand five criteria for the prediction:

1) Specify formation as best as you can
2) Run or pass
3) Specify run play or pass route as best as you can
4) Who is involved?
5) What is the result?

I’ll set an example:

1) Shotgun formation, five receivers, no running backs
2) Pass
3) Double pass, swing from quarterback to receiver, receiver deep to another receiver
4) Eu Smith to Brad Starks to Willie Millhouse
5) Gain of 41 yards
